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advice needed with my puppy

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so every night before i go to bed i give bailey fresh water and hes toys he nos witch toys are hes .so woke up this moring goes in to the kitchen and .he ripped my lino flooring up in one big strip .flung hes water bowl across the floor .and started eatng the corner of my fridge he has never chewed any of my things since we got him .he has even started eating hes crate he sleeps in :wallbash:

i need your help with this pup i dont want to fail him or say i want rid of him for the wrong reason .i dont pet him up like spoil him.


just really strugling at the mo and finding it very hard to cope with him hes only 11 weeks now and he is quite tall .i dont want him getting to a year old and being the way he is now


any adive on how to learn my pup and train him would be great

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hi leanne,try giving him a meaty bone when your leaving him alone and shift anything chewable out of his reach its hard to chastise em when you dont catch em doing it but persevere,i sat just out of view for half an hour at night time and when she tried to chew something she shouldnt i shouted no and lie down she got the gist after a couple of nights,and petting an spoiling em wont do em no harm as long as they deserve it,spend as much time with it as you possibly can and socialise it with everything,its the joys of owning a pup dont let it get you down and my advice is feed it barf and stay away from the overpriced commercial shite cos thats exactly what it is,and feeding barf will also make for a very happy healthy dog,atb wi the pup,im sure you will be fine ;)

Edited by craigyboy
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  craigyboy said:
hi leanne,try giving him a meaty bone when your leaving him alone and shift anything chewable out of his reach its hard to chastise em when you dont catch em doing it but persevere,i sat just out of view for half an hour at night time and when she tried to chew something she shouldnt i shouted no and lie down she got the gist after a couple of nights,and petting an spoiling em wont do em no harm as long as they deserve it,spend as much time with it as you possibly can and socialise it with everything,its the joys of owning a pup dont let it get you down and my advice is feed it barf and stay away from the overpriced commercial shite cos thats exactly what it is,and feeding barf will also make for a very happy healthy dog,atb wi the pup,im sure you will be fine ;)



what is barf lol god im thick and thanks for your advice im gona use it ;)

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  leannelurcher said:
  craigyboy said:
hi leanne,try giving him a meaty bone when your leaving him alone and shift anything chewable out of his reach its hard to chastise em when you dont catch em doing it but persevere,i sat just out of view for half an hour at night time and when she tried to chew something she shouldnt i shouted no and lie down she got the gist after a couple of nights,and petting an spoiling em wont do em no harm as long as they deserve it,spend as much time with it as you possibly can and socialise it with everything,its the joys of owning a pup dont let it get you down and my advice is feed it barf and stay away from the overpriced commercial shite cos thats exactly what it is,and feeding barf will also make for a very happy healthy dog,atb wi the pup,im sure you will be fine ;)



what is barf lol god im thick and thanks for your advice im gona use it ;)

bones and raw flesh,i feed mine chicken wings and carcass,tripe,lamb ribs,turkey necks,lambs heart once a week as long as its raw its fine,i look in the reduced fridge at morrisons,last week i got aberdeen angus for 20p a tray :clapper: i also give mine things like carrot celery mixed in with the raw mince,just make sure you grate the veg as dogs cant digest big pieces of veg also for a change they get pilchards with pasta,barf is what dogs are designed to eat,we may have domestcated em but we havent changed what goes on inside,the commercial food contains things dogs dont even need stay away,your dog will thank you for it in the long run and one more thing,dont stop your dog eating grass,its just getting the greens it sometimes needs ;)

Edited by craigyboy
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What do you mean by it is chewing its crate? Is it a metal crate? Make it sleep in a crate at night - it won't damage anything or itself while it is in there. Feed it in the crate too. Is this the first dog you have ever owned? If you want to do your best for it think about joining a local dog training club where you can get lots of advice and get your pup socialised while it is still young. It sounds like you have your hands full there. Good luck.

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get in a routine with your pup make it sleep in its crate it wont be able to wreak havoc when its naughty put it in its crate walk it before its bed time there like kids they need routine praise when good chastisement when naughty but dont hit it some lurchers are very sensitive good luck

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  albert64 said:
get in a routine with your pup make it sleep in its crate it wont be able to wreak havoc when its naughty put it in its crate walk it before its bed time there like kids they need routine praise when good chastisement when naughty but dont hit it some lurchers are very sensitive good luck


i do that when he is naughty i put him in the crate and he is ok just last night when i was alsep he attcacked my fllor i find it werid hes been really good untill now

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The crate should be used as a safe haven for the pup , somewhere he feels secure & from underfoot if you have little kids to get ready in the mornings


If your shoving him in it as a punnishment he wont like going in there

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Puppies don't know what is 'good' and what is 'bad' until you show them: it can take weeks if not months for a puppy to learn what it can and can't chew in your house. What you need to do is teach it what the word 'no' means, and you do that by saying No to the pup when it is chewing your shoe, for example, and removing the shoe and giving the pup something it is allowed to chew in its place.


Don't get cross, don't hit the pup, just say No and take the wrong thing away:but ,make sure you give it something else instead. Pups have to chew everything and anything: it is what they do, just like kids want to play with all sorts of unsuitable things. Re the lino: make sure you clean well every day with a cleaner which removes smells: Dettol Antibacterial, because a pup will start licking at the place where you have spilled something, then the licking turns to chewing: its just what pups do.


They also get bored with the same things very easily, which is why a meaty bone (the most natural thing there is for a pup to chew) is the best way to keep it happy.


Don't expect the pup to remember what it is allowed to chew or not at this stage: it can take months, and when his adult teeth start coming through he's likely to be twice as bad!

Edited by skycat
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