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So the general feeling is that ivormec isnt effective against fleas , thats very interesting as people are spending money on a product formulated for ferrets amongst other small animals that claims it kills fleas & the active ingredient is ivormectin , very curious i think i shall investigate :hmm:


Thanks for the info folks


as you can see it clearly states it contains ivormec & it is effective against fleas,




kay the product which you are showing only says it contains ivermectin, its the main active ingreident within the dose, which is for treating,


Worms, lice, and mites, you will most probably see on closer inspection, either of the following, deltamethrin, or chypermethrin,


this will be the active ingreident to combat fleas.... or a similar ingreidant of which there are a few to many to name....



i hope this helps.....




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So the general feeling is that ivormec isnt effective against fleas , thats very interesting as people are spending money on a product formulated for ferrets amongst other small animals that claims it kills fleas & the active ingredient is ivormectin , very curious i think i shall investigate :hmm:


Thanks for the info folks


as you can see it clearly states it contains ivormec & it is effective against fleas,




kay the product which you are showing only says it contains ivermectin, its the main active ingreident within the dose, which is for treating,


Worms, lice, and mites, you will most probably see on closer inspection, either of the following, deltamethrin, or chypermethrin,


this will be the active ingreident to combat fleas.... or a similar ingreidant of which there are a few to many to name....



i hope this helps.....





Snaps i have searched high & low to see if i can find the other ingredients , other than the general carrier & i can find it , should keep me busy all night i reccon :laugh: & out of mischief :laugh:

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Beaphar Ivermectin Spot On

For the treatment of mites, lice and roundworms only in ferrets, rabbits, guinea-pigs and rats.


Ivermectin is not an effective treatment against fleas.

Until recently effective treatments for many common conditions could only be obtained on prescription from a vet. The European Union has now introduced the Small Animal Exemption Scheme for qualifying veterinary drugs so that they can now be made available over the counter.


Ivermectin is one such drug.


Each pack of Beaphar Ivermectin Spot On contains 4 pipettes of ivermectin (150ug per pipette).


The product should only be used as directed on the pack:-


Ferrets up to 1.5kg in weight should be treated with 2 pipettes. 3 pipettes should be used for ferrets above 1.5kg in weight.


Treatment simply involves applying the entire contents of the pipette to the back of the neck, spreading it over as great a surface of the skin as possible. The product will continue to be effective for up to 4 weeks from the day of treatment.


Not to be used on sick or convalescing animals. If signs of disease persist or appear following treatment, consult a

veterinary surgeon.



heres the link http://www.redmap.co.uk/ferretsabout/acata...in_Spot_On.html



thats from the company themselves....




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i have seen dogs drop to the ground after being

injected with it even when the right dose is used

but to often can wreck a dog .

had a chat with a top greyhound vet about it

which he does use when all else fails

and he does not even inject it into dogs

but gives a small amount maybe 1.5 mil oraly

and works good i always get him to make the mesures out

for me as per weight of dog.

i find this the best way as there are a few different types of ivomec on

shelves now and some might be stronger than others.

the average person with a well fed and wormed dog should not need

to use this product in my eyes.

we are not vets remember


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