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who ate his leg

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I went out yesterday and set ten snares ,on this mornings pick up i had seven rabbits,five were o.k. two were damaged,one by a fox ,the other by ,who knows what ,one of the back legs was stripped of meat ,but there was no other damage to the carcass,also there was no punture wounds anywhere on the body ,there are no badgers in the area ,my thoughts are some sort of bird,as the fur had been plucked from the leg ,but the eyes were still in,and as i said before ,there are no punture wounds.


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I went out yesterday and set ten snares ,on this mornings pick up i had seven rabbits,five were o.k. two were damaged,one by a fox ,the other by ,who knows what ,one of the back legs was stripped of meat ,but there was no other damage to the carcass,also there was no punture wounds anywhere on the body ,there are no badgers in the area ,my thoughts are some sort of bird,as the fur had been plucked from the leg ,but the eyes were still in,and as i said before ,there are no punture wounds.


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did it get snared correctly, or was the wire around his leg

yeah this happened to one of mine the snare cut through its leg and was stuck in between the 2 bones in its leg! dont ask how! and it was still alive it was mingin haahaa





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