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average lamping bags...what do you get?

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Its really dependent on the amount of game on the land and the weather conditions.


Some areas that are heavily infested with rabbits you could easily shoot 100 plus but other areas you might only get a couple.


I know a guy in Wales who can go out and shoot 15 - 20 foxes in that amount of time but I can only dream of this . Id be happy with a couple.

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Its really dependent on the amount of game on the land and the weather conditions.


Some areas that are heavily infested with rabbits you could easily shoot 100 plus but other areas you might only get a couple.


I know a guy in Wales who can go out and shoot 15 - 20 foxes in that amount of time but I can only dream of this . Id be happy with a couple.

id like to get 5 or 6 when i go out .it will happen one day :cray:

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whats everyones average lamping bags?


I use army surplus, though post bags ain't bad, some are swearing by SS's new carrier but I don't catch that much to justify one :whistling:


'The One' and others are right, it's all about where you are, the weather conditions, also what you are running and how expierienced you are.

Never be disheartened by listening to folk talk of taking huge bags (even for their average), most are full of shite, you'll learn that just as you'll learn about your ground, the weather, your mutt and all the expierience you'll soak up along with it.

The only 'fly' is, no matter how keen you are and will persevere for as long as it takes, your poor old mutt may just get a little sickened if he (and i'm only guessing) is getting lots of slips on stuff he has no chance of catching.

If their is little game on your land ok, you can sort that out by trying further afield but if your seeing plenty but catching little, maybe try a night out with someone who does a bit local, or soak up as many practicle tips on here or elswhere (youtube?) as poss before your next jaunt out.


Best of luck :victory:

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we have just picked up some new ground and have been lamping it with the farmer it has not had any vermin control done on it for a good few years ,the first night out we shot 14 foxes , second night 7 foxes third night we shot 17 but this is just a one off getting this amount because its a new farm ..



on a normal nights lamping we could get up 5 a night after harvest but then it goes down to about 2 to 3 a night but that doing 7 different farmes each night we go out ..



rabbits we get up into the mid 40s to 50s a night, we never do both in a night, its either fox or rabbit we go for ..

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Guest hyperion

an average bag for me and my lamping buddies is any thing from 0 to 40 or 50 (rabbits) and the most foxes we have had is two in one night but then the farm we do most of the lamping on has only had four foxes taken in total!




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whats everyones average lamping bags?


I use army surplus, though post bags ain't bad, some are swearing by SS's new carrier but I don't catch that much to justify one :whistling:


'The One' and others are right, it's all about where you are, the weather conditions, also what you are running and how expierienced you are.

Never be disheartened by listening to folk talk of taking huge bags (even for their average), most are full of shite, you'll learn that just as you'll learn about your ground, the weather, your mutt and all the expierience you'll soak up along with it.

The only 'fly' is, no matter how keen you are and will persevere for as long as it takes, your poor old mutt may just get a little sickened if he (and i'm only guessing) is getting lots of slips on stuff he has no chance of catching.

If their is little game on your land ok, you can sort that out by trying further afield but if your seeing plenty but catching little, maybe try a night out with someone who does a bit local, or soak up as many practicle tips on here or elswhere (youtube?) as poss before your next jaunt out.


Best of luck :victory:

I think that you may be getting a tad confused here, the thread is in the Rifles and shotguns section not the dogs section. If I could not get more than 30 rabbits with a 22rf in 3-4 hours of driving around farms I would give up, although as has been said, weather conditions can considerably affect the bag.

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