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bee hive under paving slab?

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Was actually nice to see them in the garden. Not 10ft from littluns swing for ages before we noticed them. Not a sign of them this year.


I have had a lot of bee's in the garden this year & like you found i had no problem with then at all , they were congrigating on a huge schrub i have in the garden & had to walk under part of it where they were hanging about , rather a privlidge to have them i think :yes:

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omg here we go





why kill them ? just for the sake of it bee are a very important thing wheather they are feral or not


they more or less control polonation



but then again there only rare lets just kill them



well it measn that my kids cannot play in the back year on they toys and my puppy cannot go for a wee coz they will get stung :wallbash:


It'll teach them not to mess with bees then, won't it? :laugh:

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Guest Bubbleduck
well it measn that my kids cannot play in the back year on they toys and my puppy cannot go for a wee coz they will get stung :wallbash:


Don't worry, your kids will be fine playing in the garden around those bees, it's wasps you need to worry about.

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They'll be Bumble Bees if they are under a slab.

Won't bother you or kids unless you stick your finger in the nest.

Oh by the way Bumble Bees Are protected by law.



Bees, bumble or otherwise, are NOT protected.


BUT, you would be better off leaving them alone. Feral Honey Bees, Bumble Bees and Mining Bees are not aggressive and are in decline. They should not be killed except in exceptional circumstances.

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They'll be Bumble Bees if they are under a slab.

Won't bother you or kids unless you stick your finger in the nest.

Oh by the way Bumble Bees Are protected by law.



Bees, bumble or otherwise, are NOT protected.


BUT, you would be better off leaving them alone. Feral Honey Bees, Bumble Bees and Mining Bees are not aggressive and are in decline. They should not be killed except in exceptional circumstances.

Just to get the record straight, "bumble bees" as such are not protected. However, some species of mining bees are protected by law. The sad thing is they should not need protection. They are not only harmless, they are a keystone species in the foodchain. No bees? In ten years time no vertebrate life left on land. We need them more than they need us.


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