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something i didn't know!

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:icon_redface: The other day i took my gun to a shop to be charged (S410) and while i was in there i was talking to a guy who turned out to be a firearms officer (very tidy bloke) and little did i know that when i'd taken my gun into the shop there was still some pellets in the mag (gun wasn't cocked/or ready to fire). I was called into the back room and was told this is exactly the same as carrying a loaded gun :blink: So just putting this up as a warning to all with multishot guns that when you pack your gun away remove any pellets from the mag even if the mag is removed from the gun! Now i know everyone is gonna say " i always remove pellets and mag from gun" but i've seen loads of people leave them in and just put the gun in a bag. I was lucky this time but you may not be! Happy shooting guys and gals :gunsmilie:
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your gun must only have pellets in it when in use.......whenever its in transit it must be de-pelleted AND the mag removed from the action.


you would have to be unlucky to get caught..........but its not worth the risk.






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