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i am in the process of making a long net (must be for the love of it or something to do while eastenders is on ) i'm concerned weather i'm using the right spacer 2.25 the same size as purse nets ? can someone please help me out before ive gone to far ?

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Peg you must set your poles on your net quite close when your expecting big bags like that in 100yrd nets? I used a 100yrd last year and thought because the fibreglass poles I had where so strong I would get away with 8 yards, the net set ok, But when I got more than one rabbit in a section, they pulled the top line to the ground, making it low enough for others to get over

I know wat you mean Fat ferret but no all my nets are set on poles 8yards apart and tied in every two yards the way old SNAREMAN designed the system many years ago.The secret to taking big numbers in your 100 yard nets is your 1st and last poles.If you make sure they are set properly the rest of the net will stand up to large numbers of rabbits.On the last drop me and my son done the other night there was 8 rabbits caught between two poles and that happens regularly.You can use ancher pins if you want but i find it unnessesery if you set the net correctly....P&G

when big willie and i come down to stay , we don,t want to be eating rabbits every day lad.
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Thats a LOT of rabbits! I bought a 50yard long net at the start of the year ... had a look at it, got a bit tangled, spent an hour trying to fold it up again and gave up. How rubbish is that!? Will have to have another go, even if I do make a mess of it.

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Hes out with the nets davids with him, was going to tag along and get some camcorder footage, but my heads banging...


Should be some pics up tommorrow.. :)

Yeh we were out last night.The full moon hampered us alot but we stell bagged 36 rabbits and got a bit more footage on camara.The best drop was 19 which was a blind set.David came with me and catapiller and i think he enjoyed his 1st time out with the nets i think he will be back out with the long nets pretty soon ...Thanks..P&G

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