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letting fox's go

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I was given permission to copy this from another site member, think it says it all...


Below is the reply i got from defra about releasing foxes. I have edited any names and personal information from it hopefully to protect myself and the person who replied to me, i will under no circumstances release these details either so don't ask. I take no responsibility for the content of this reply either.



Thank you for your email of 2 April about releasing foxes.


Although Defra would not condone the translocation of foxes, it is not illegal to move foxes from one location to another. Section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (WCA) does make it illegal to release or allow to escape into the wild a species not ordinarily resident in Britain or which is listed on Schedule 9 of the 1981 Act. However, the fox is a native species, and is not listed on Schedule 9 of the WCA, so it is not illegal to release them back into the wild.


However, if foxes are translocated, the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 must be complied with. Under section 9 of the 2006 Act it is an offence for a person to fail to provide for the welfare needs of any animal under his or her control. This includes failing to take reasonable steps to ensure that an animal has the ability to fend for itself in the wild upon release. If it were found that an animal had suffered unnecessarily after release, it could also be an offence of causing unnecessary suffering under section 4 of the 2006 Act.


Do i agree with the above?


i suppose it is correct in as much as the fox is native but still feel it is wrong to release foxes onto land without permission. It is most certainly easier to shoot the foxes than it would be to try to get the practice stopped so carry on as normal then i guess.


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I was given permission to copy this from another site member, think it says it all...


Below is the reply i got from defra about releasing foxes. I have edited any names and personal information from it hopefully to protect myself and the person who replied to me, i will under no circumstances release these details either so don't ask. I take no responsibility for the content of this reply either.



Thank you for your email of 2 April about releasing foxes.


Although Defra would not condone the translocation of foxes, it is not illegal to move foxes from one location to another. Section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (WCA) does make it illegal to release or allow to escape into the wild a species not ordinarily resident in Britain or which is listed on Schedule 9 of the 1981 Act. However, the fox is a native species, and is not listed on Schedule 9 of the WCA, so it is not illegal to release them back into the wild.


However, if foxes are translocated, the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 must be complied with. Under section 9 of the 2006 Act it is an offence for a person to fail to provide for the welfare needs of any animal under his or her control. This includes failing to take reasonable steps to ensure that an animal has the ability to fend for itself in the wild upon release. If it were found that an animal had suffered unnecessarily after release, it could also be an offence of causing unnecessary suffering under section 4 of the 2006 Act.


Do i agree with the above?


i suppose it is correct in as much as the fox is native but still feel it is wrong to release foxes onto land without permission. It is most certainly easier to shoot the foxes than it would be to try to get the practice stopped so carry on as normal then i guess.


How do the rest of you find it?



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I can see it from both sides of the coin, i love nature but also new to the hunting game, I can see a few issues regards the relise of captured foxes, if you remove a fox another will take its place. if not another fox you have removed a preditor so other so called pests will take the space. so 2 evils really.


The reslise of a fox on to other land can also cause a few issues. making other populations of foxes crouded putting strain of there prey I.E rabbits Mice rats which dont cause harm to anyone in the wild which i feel should be left untouched. I.E nature reserves. protected land


Regards capturing and aminal and stress levels you are going to get this. This is totaly unavoidable, and relising a fox in to strange surroundings will cause stress for the fox. the less stressfull would be to kill the fox if done in the right way.


If any animal is a pest I.E causing damaged should be Disposed of in a humane manner like you Stubby i agree they should not be relised back in to the wild due to other populations within that area.

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* The law requires traps to be inspected at least once every day. BASC recommends inspection at least twice a day and as soon after dawn as is practicable.

.atb noel




Not trying to start an argument, but can you quote the exact law to which you refer?


I'm not really into the BASC, and couldn't care less what their recommendations are.


it is a quote from the basc guide lines not mine .what i dont understand is it is law to check a fenn trap every 12hrs as long as its a rabbit .so a ill caught squirriel its fine to leave for a couple of days sounds like a load of old tosh to me who writes these laws anyway .winstone churchill once said if you have to kill a man at least make it clean .

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