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Long & lean or tall and leggey

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Now here’s a question when looking for the perfect running dog. Would you prefer long legs or a long body in the dog? I know you have got to, to a certain extent, have a mix of both but which attribute would you rather have in your running dog.


Myself I prefer the longer bodied running dogs with the deep channel down the centre of the back. I think it gives greater turning capability and, dare I say it, even better turn of pace.


I have seen a lot of dogs run and I do think the longer legged type lurcher do have the edge on stamina and strike capability and certainly faster on the straights but for me they take too long to turn.



So how do you like you running dog? Long and lean or tall and leggey? 8)



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Long and low every time for me too: better turning, better staying, unless its got a lot of Saluki in it in which case it will have very long legs. I love to see a dog skimming the ground as it runs: power coming from behind and the centre of gravity nice and low: make for a more agile dog 90% of the time.

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  skycat said:
Long and low every time for me too: better turning, better staying, unless its got a lot of Saluki in it in which case it will have very long legs. I love to see a dog skimming the ground as it runs: power coming from behind and the centre of gravity nice and low: make for a more agile dog 90% of the time.


:victory: Same here,...nice and powerful,.yet still slinky and agile... :thumbs:

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