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japanese knott weed

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Hymilain balsam is a major problem on many waterways throughout the UK, brought over as an 'ornamental' by our well meaning victorian ancestors it now plagues most UK waters.


One of the Syndicates i fish with has spent 5 years trying to eradicate it and at besy we are now just managing to keep on top of the stuff.


I would urge anyone who sees this plant to uproot it

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ragwert....is a nice job to do just pull from thee roots up and charge my mother inlaw £5 a hour loveley leave it to dry then burn its so hard to get rid of it all unless u get the roots then the seeds fly in the wind


but gota get as much rid as possible for our horses

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They usualy can grow side by side the river Don in S.yorks is swamped with the stuff.atvb dell

Had to remove loads when they built the joke centre ( sorry earth centre ) and yep your right the Dons swamped with the stuff :blink:

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