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placed an order for milbermax almost 3 weeks ago and still waiting,run a check on their address and its a semi detached house/building in a street with secetarial and internet services written all over the canopy and windows....SO WHO KNOWS IL KEEP YOU POSTED AND LET YOU KNOW THE OUT COME ;) just hope i dont have to start sorting out a summonds

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placed an order for milbermax almost 3 weeks ago and still waiting,run a check on their address and its a semi detached house/building in a street with secetarial and internet services written all over the canopy and windows....SO WHO KNOWS IL KEEP YOU POSTED AND LET YOU KNOW THE OUT COME ;) just hope i dont have to start sorting out a summonds

i ordered a dosen last year, cant remember how much but wasnt more than £15.00. it came from west indies which would explain the long wait, and the no need for a prescription! good luck!

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done a bit of searching into this company PETCAREMART the address that they give is basically a semi detatched house in a london street,that several companys are trading from,they are actully based in the usa so that explains for the long wait,be warned people.

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