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my first home made purse net

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just finished the braided nylon net! its like cheese wire on your hands! lol!


some pics of the second net i made too but thats just the same as the first!





i oops'ed the nylon net up a bit half way through and had to cut two rows out and start again, i some how missed a mess and had a hugh hole in the middle!










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Well done boy, keep at it! I think every single ferreter should have a go at making nets. Even if you only make one or two, I think you learn such a lot about how nets work. And you certainly learn to appreciate and look after all your nets too.



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Very good for a first attempt. As has been stated you knots are all even that means you are pulling with an even pressure and that will make for a better working net.


One tip that will save your fingers, when pulling the knot tight use the heel of the needle not your fingers.



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Well done on your first attempts - ive read tuff, looked at video on here and it still seems way too daunting but id love to have a go - i like the making side in my hobbies - wether thats whipping rings on a sea rod, making a gunstock etc - nets - well........is there someone local to me who could give me a couple of hours to show me the ropes if you'll excuse the pun - i need something to pass away the dark nights when the shooting isnt happening etc - plus i neeeeeeeed nets and would prefer to make some out of decent stuff rather than buy ready made thin tangly ones






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Guest hyperion
Well done on your first attempts - ive read tuff, looked at video on here and it still seems way too daunting but id love to have a go - i like the making side in my hobbies - wether thats whipping rings on a sea rod, making a gunstock etc - nets - well........is there someone local to me who could give me a couple of hours to show me the ropes if you'll excuse the pun - i need something to pass away the dark nights when the shooting isnt happening etc - plus i neeeeeeeed nets and would prefer to make some out of decent stuff rather than buy ready made thin tangly ones








all i did is look on youtube mate! i tied the first net with slip knots as the guy in the vid is doing it that way but after a phone call to furdy off here and looking up how to tie the knots properly i just got goin on my own! ill put a couple of links up mate!


also its like any thing, some one can show you how to make the end product but you have to find your own way of making it work for you!


some of the youtube vids i found usefull, but dont tie the knots the same way as the chap in these vids does!, though i do tie the first ring on the same way he does!






also even though i cant get the link to work this thread helped me to understand how to tie the proper knots!




i just went to the last page


You are probably doing this knot at the moment




To double knot it, either do the same knot again or you can use use a different knot which you only need to do one off.

Red circles are where to put your thumb to keep tension on the string while youu knot









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