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i would just like to say thanks

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why aint anybody commented on the fact fatty called me a wanker


now if you ever met me youd know i have more decency an respact than most

but i aint gonna sit back an let anybody slate me


an by the way i dont own a gun, an theres photos of my dogs up on here



No one is commenting on the fact that he called you a wanker, is because you are acting like one, you can't deny that, now I have a hell of a lot of respect for everyone as long as they act in a respectable way and your not doing that.

They only slate you because you slated MLB sorry if the truth hurts but tough shit.



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Thanks JoeD...:)


Just to clarify though i wasnt slating Dotty Doo in particular i was making an all round point to those that made the original thread personal....Dotty Doo just voiced some questions and unfortunetly it got into an 'mini arguement' wasnt meant to happen...just hope that its all been taken on the chin like mlb had to do...

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Then dont say on an open forum...pm me....i know very few people off of here so would be intersted how you know me...and its not really a poor excuse its true..


like i just said nothing i said was aimed at you in particular but you did seem to make it personal towards you....but like you i was just voicing an opinion....

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*get a fecking grip, iv met loads off here in the flesh an made some good mates,*


Erm i never said you hadnt met loads of people off of here...i said that I hadnt....


i got no doubts you have met and made loads of good friends off of here...ive met and made a handful it can be done....

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here joe i think you an fatty are well suited, get realtreed up an go an defend poor wee lassies


get a fecking grip, iv met loads off here in the flesh an made some good mates,


acting like a wanker, your a buzz mate wish you were closer your my kinda idiot haha


I've met friends on here aswell, big whoop whats that got to do with anything, and whats wrong with sticking up for people aye, nothing it's called being a good mate and thats what THL is supposed to be a community not a "i'll slag you off" forum because i'm hard. Saying that I will be the bigger man and leave you to think you won an internet battle GO YOU!!!!!!!!!




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Guest foxyjo.



MLB, haven't seen your tat, if you're happy, bugger anyone else. :thumbs:


She's a nice lady and I've never seen her be rude to anyone on here, she doesn't deserve crap. Davy's a gent, and Miss T and I have a mutual friend and I know she is highly thought of...so all in all...I'm with Davy on this one. :big_boss:

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There was a time,maybe 4-5 years back?,when this was a good site for help,advice and a bit of encouragement. Not just in hunting matters but in personal matters and general issues. Seems like those days are gone?

Thats a shame and one of the main reasons i dont post much on here anymore.

There are a lot of people being very quick to abuse others and generally act in an immature way.

Sad times for what used to be the best site on the net. :blink:

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its us that should be thanking you I just read the new tattoo thread and havnt laughed so much in ages :D sorry to agree with most but that tat is awful start saving now to get it covered over or removed you must have a mirror to see how bad it is before you put the post on here? :blink:

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MLB, it balls down to the amount of mindless fools on here that don't think about anybody but themselves. Some of it was just a bit of banter, but some of it got personal. In my opinion this site will never change. The admin want to make this site big and maintain its size, so there will always be idiots on a site of this size. I think a few more mods on this site may help, but that's in my opinion. I'm glad some people have had the decency to apologise. This site will never change though, it will only get worst.

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I dont actually think the demise of this site is down to people taking the piss. More the sudden influx of complete wannabes who think they have a world beater because they killed a roe deer. Then they go on giving it the biggun like everyone else and their dog is inferior. Then you have all the arse licking of what are clearly peddling c**ts who do nothing. Its the members that make the site and the decent ones have gone elsewhere because frankly this site is full of wannabes.


Wannabe yes (but the magority of people on here are true hunter)

Peddlers yes (but again the magority are not)

Members do make the site yes and the decent ones have left because of the immaturity and brain size of people on here and not because there are wannabes. Banter is fine and so is sharing a laugh but when banter gets into slagging people off then it ruins the site.


There is no question about that. end of.



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