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i would just like to say thanks

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Oh yeah the good old two wrongs make a right thing....hmmmmm


im not sayingyoushould apologise...thats your choice to make and no-one elses...i was simply agreeing with others when it comes to making things personal...there is no need for it..espcially if you dont know the person to which you are insulting...


as for mine i can be about as bothered to take pics and upload them as you can to trawl through the old post...so aint gonna happen....


and you would be cheeky, you probably wouldnt be able to resist....but its been said before everyone has an opinion which is fine but when it gets personally insulting thats when it gets nasty..and tbh ive been involved with that before and have much better things to do then argue with someone over something that their opinion actually means nothing....

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i jsut wanna clarify


i said i thought it was abad tattoo, that was my opinion, i was aksed for


then i was called a keyboard warrior, so i called mlb a name


i aint gonna apologise as i was not in the wrong,



so come on i wont be cheeky,


get your tits, oops i mean tats oot haha

what!!! a wanker:

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This is why i apologised in advance...sorry MLB for turning this thread into a mini slnging match....:(


but honestly dotty doo....here this is my biggest tattoo and the one that people will judge the most...do your worst...because quite frankly your opinion is less then nothing but if it makes you feel good im happy to help...:)...(to everyone else the pic was taken on my phone the evening off so its a s**t pic and the tattoo is red..raised and sore...lol)




Miss T x


P.s. she has since had her name added underneath her...

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Guest the techno viking


haha im a wanker, look at the fat guy all dressed in camo, looking hard after shooting a few pests haha


tell somebpdy that cares matey, i hear the samaritans are good

ha ha ha ha :clapper::clapper:

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Guest the techno viking
This is why i apologised in advance...sorry MLB for turning this thread into a mini slnging match....:(


but honestly dotty doo....here this is my biggest tattoo and the one that people will judge the most...do your worst...because quite frankly your opinion is less then nothing but if it makes you feel good im happy to help...:)...(to everyone else the pic was taken on my phone the evening off so its a s**t pic and the tattoo is red..raised and sore...lol)




Miss T x


P.s. she has since had her name added underneath her...


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If you dont have one how can you criticise one....


ive had bad tattoos.....alot worse then the ones that everyone on here call bad..(thats what you get for being 15 and in spain) and all i was saying is theres no need for it to get personal....


when they are healed they change....her face softend up and isnt quite so harsh looking anymore and the shading has faded right down to give subtle tone diffrences rather then dark bits of fuzzy colouring....and the same will happen to mlbs...it will take on a slightly different look...


and her name is Lola....

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In MLB's original post you didnt just say you didnt like it...you compared it to a cartoon dog...thats slightly rude and then you went on to calling her a 'silly old mutt' which is both rude and making it personal....

Edited by Miss Tarka
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i jsut wanna clarify


i said i thought it was abad tattoo, that was my opinion, i was aksed for


then i was called a keyboard warrior, so i called mlb a name

i aint gonna apologise as i was not in the wrong,



so come on i wont be cheeky,


get your tits, oops i mean tats oot haha

what!!! a wanker:





haha im a wanker, look at the fat guy all dressed in camo, looking hard after shooting a few pests haha


tell somebpdy that cares matey, i hear the samaritans are good


Now beofre you start calling me names I don't care but to point out what you said there to davy is bang out of order, why not show off what you shot, everyone else does, and calling people fat aint nice either, end of story. And just because you THINK you where right does not mean you are and the polite thing to say would be "i'm sorry if I offended anyone"

Now stop being a little I'm right you're wrong type person and get some manners, it's not hard.


All the best



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I never said you got personal first i just said there was no need to do so....end off


but the point is if she likes it thats all that matters..you could of just said you didnt...and being called a keyboard warrior isnt really a majorly personal insult as its a term that is thrown around on here alot....


and i know you do i....please do tell me how??

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I never said you got personal first i just said there was no need to do so....end off


but the point is if she likes it thats all that matters..you could of just said you didnt...and being called a keyboard warrior isnt really a majorly personal insult as its a term that is thrown around on here alot....


and i know you do i....please do tell me how??


Exactly, fair play for standing up for someone Miss Tarka, I have no ime for these immature name calling :censored: who just thinkk its 'ard to try and belittle others on the internet, grow a pair and stop arguing on a forum, it doesn't prove anything.


Oh this is not aimed at you Miss Tarka it's aimed DottyDoo.



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You didnt answer my question....


You said i know you....how??


Fair enough that you wont sit back and let anyone slate you....most are the same but it does seem that you are willing to slate others but dont like it in return...take what you give and all that....


oh and just to point out i think mlb was referring to my tattoo as well smart not my posts...and if you are critising her for her terminology people from different areas have different phrases it might be really commonly said from where shes from....(not starting another argument just stating a point)

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