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dogs bad habbits

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My 7 month puppy chased a dog phobic asian women round the park yesterday. She had been walking along waving a stick she had picked up, dog was jumping up trying to get the stick, she was screaming and trying to run away whilst I was shouting to her just to drop the stick. Bloody funny really when you think back. She is much better at not chasing joggers these days.

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Are you on about your springer Dave, if so very normal haha my bitch does circles and my mates bitch keeps going scattering it everywhere, bloody nuisance...

yeah..you got it..it a nightmare..especially [bANNED TEXT] i just give them a road walk!!!! no fines yet mind!!!! :whistling:

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My saluki cross bitch had a habit of chasing trains (now almost cured), ignoring certain commands and continuing to do as she pleases (again almost cured), but worst of all is the '100 yard stare' it makes me feel like Im stupid, it's as if she knows better.


The pup we have at the moment is 12 weeks and his worst habit is trying to shag our bitches, he just won't take no for an answer, if he was human he would be behind bars by now, oh and he likes to start fights every five minutes, digs holes all over the garden, a pure swine, atb richard

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My 7 month puppy chased a dog phobic asian women round the park yesterday. She had been walking along waving a stick she had picked up, dog was jumping up trying to get the stick, she was screaming and trying to run away whilst I was shouting to her just to drop the stick. Bloody funny really when you think back. She is much better at not chasing joggers these days.



:clapper::clapper::clapper: That made me laugh!

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My purebred whippet knows he's fast but i think he must be a spastic or have brain defect, as he can run anything down when he's not eating grass, rabbit shit, or decides that horses are much more fun to run after rather than rabbits.


One day he's gonna get a rick kicking off one!!


Mong, and his farts are just pure evil :cry:

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my pup wont stand still when it havin a crap!!!! there ends up a trail of the stuff!!! bloody nightmare [bANNED TEXT] i have to scoop it up!!! ;)


put it on a lead when you take it out to the toilet, had the same with mine, after a week he got it and has been fie since.

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my alano, barks so loud when guarding he can make yoru ears ring! he chews: sky remote, coffee table, sunglases, x-box controller etc :chair:


my lab: is v=nervous of everything.... except gun fire!!!! :hunter:


my collie: not good with kids, always trying to get on the sofa, way to clever for his own good, he can tell the difference in sound when you put on your dog walking jeans and starts to go mental....when he downstairs and cant even see you! and he sits like a disabled chicken! note the pic at the bottom!


all of them.......get in to the bin whenever we forget to close the kitchen door! and then drag the contents round the house and rash the place! only happen twice. :wallbash:



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Guest Rod&dog
Mine wont retreve and always takes the fine oppurtnity to shit as soon as the kennel doors open all over the yard lmfao.




bad habbit of not been able to catch :D



Yes that is one of my hairy wheaton xs bad habbits. lol

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had a saluki x collie/grey years ago, the most criminal dog I have ever owned even worse than whippets. I had to put a chain and padlock on the fridge and freezer to keep him out thieving b*****d.

Also an escape artist first he started getting out the garden by eating through the fence. So I kept him in the house, he just gripped the doorknob turned it pulled the door open and was off. So I deadbolted the door, his next trick was to open the windows and jump out.

All he did when he got out was walk across town to the pub where I worked wait for the door to open slip in and sit on a bench and watch me work my shift. If I wasnt at the pub he would go over to a friends house and scratch til they let him in then hang out with their greyhound and beg treats.

A really nice dog but secondhand and came with a lot of baggage, he came from a shelter in Bolton so some tosser up there gave that dog some real bad habits. His name was Dodger probably bred in the early 90's, big black saluki looking dog ring any bells to you Lancashire lads?


Not picking on Bolton lads I was born their myself, just curious if anyone knew the dog.



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had a saluki x collie/grey years ago, the most criminal dog I have ever owned even worse than whippets. I had to put a chain and padlock on the fridge and freezer to keep him out thieving b*****d.

Also an escape artist first he started getting out the garden by eating through the fence. So I kept him in the house, he just gripped the doorknob turned it pulled the door open and was off. So I deadbolted the door, his next trick was to open the windows and jump out.

All he did when he got out was walk across town to the pub where I worked wait for the door to open slip in and sit on a bench and watch me work my shift. If I wasnt at the pub he would go over to a friends house and scratch til they let him in then hang out with their greyhound and beg treats.

A really nice dog but secondhand and came with a lot of baggage, he came from a shelter in Bolton so some tosser up there gave that dog some real bad habits. His name was Dodger probably bred in the early 90's, big black saluki looking dog ring any bells to you Lancashire lads?


Not picking on Bolton lads I was born their myself, just curious if anyone knew the dog.





haha too true, lurchers are great escapists

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