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aahhh the memoriees we used to do this in the summer hols to make some extra cash 2 foot length of tubing alcathene pipe works the best as it doesnt damage the fish as much and an old bike brake cable.

best to let the fish run through the hoop and get its tail be wearing a pair of waiders as well cos they have some fight in them.

not that you'll be attempting this cos its not entirely legal ;)

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we used to use a single strand of brass rabbit snare wire formed into a snare a fastened to he end of a stick for catching trout from the local beck, i used it at night with a lamp to get baits for pike fishing , there was a fella in the village that was a dab hand at catching trout and grayling in daylight , locally known as a sling

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localy there a small river you could snare net etc ,but usaly when the fish are snareable they are coulored and best left to breed , unles a quick spate and there clean an silver , not hard to snare a fish or gaff for that matter just need to no the lies and make sure the waters kinda low and clean run ,use a big old landing net and a torch good fun pokeing the underside of bankngs and holes and netting them on the way out

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