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Would like to start but dont know how to

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Your already looking in the right place, ive just started out with ferrets myself so im still on the learning curve but the best bit of advise i can give is READ, read up as much as u can about ferrets and ferreting because the last thing u want to do is get a couple of ferrets and find out there not what u thought they would be. I got to hobs, 12 weeks old, 3 weeks ago and thats them past there nippy stage and what a joy they are, nothing better than watching them running about garden on a sunny afternoon. equiptment wise for ferreting u will need ferrets, ferret box to carry them in, locator so if they make a kill in the burry u can dig them out, a spade for digging and last but not least nets and theres loads to choose from im still trying to decide. IM sure somone with a better knowledge will post soon.


p.s. forgot to say u will need land to ferret on, thats prob the hardest bit to get.

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:bye: The Midland Game Fair is on Sept 19 and 20 it's worth wandering around there to give you an idea of costs etc and theres plenty of people willing to chat and plenty of stands to find those books you're going to need.

And if I was you I'd grab happy larry's offer with both hands that's a very generous offer !!! :victory:

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stu_wat pm returned


longnetter/countryboyo.thanks for the nice words,if a bloke cant give help, advice, and encouragement to a newcomer its a bad do.i have taken dozens of lads+1 female out off pigeon watch,helping them with decoying,ferreting and shooting rabbits.and to be honest i have only encountered 1 complete timewaster,so anyone thats in a position to help newbies come on lads,give them a chance.

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I'm only just down the road from you, but I'm struggling to find good permission at the moment... otherwise the offer would be extended from my way - no point taking you out to catch nowt, you'll soon lose any inkling of interest!

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stu_wat pm returned


longnetter/countryboyo.thanks for the nice words,if a bloke cant give help, advice, and encouragement to a newcomer its a bad do.i have taken dozens of lads+1 female out off pigeon watch,helping them with decoying,ferreting and shooting rabbits.and to be honest i have only encountered 1 complete timewaster,so anyone thats in a position to help newbies come on lads,give them a chance.


Well said pal! spoken like a true Gent.

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