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Safe keeping gun cabinet keys

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Just wondering what everyone else does regarding keeping their gun safe keys, and the spares, secure.


And no I don't want to know exactly, as I don't intend "popping round", nor would I expect anyone to say "I keep the spare in the safe" ;):D


It's just that I read a story some time back where a BASC or SACS member, a solicitor as it happens, had lost his licence. This happened because on a cold call to check his security, his elderly mother who lived with him knew where he kept his keys and handed them to the Police :sick: :cry:

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1 in wifes purse no chance even i can get into that.



mate I'd 2nd that all the way, but thats where this post is coming from, if anyone else has access to your keys, and gets caught owt, bugger your'e in the shit.


Course I know it was Tongue in cheek, ;)

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On my house keys with me all the time, if i am in the house they are on the bookshelf and when i go to bed they are on the bedside table!


spare in a seperate keycode safe!


I was told that you can leave the spare with a mate as long as that mate doesn't have a key to your house....i.e. he cant get into the house so cant get into the safe


I know someone that had his rifle stolen when he was burgled, he left the keys upstairs in a draw in his bedroom.............he managed to retain his FAC, and now keeps his keys with him at all times, his spares are locked away at work.....

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That would be telling Bri :D


But you are quite right, only the certificate holder(s) should have access to the keys, otherwise you are breaking the law.


If the police visit without warning and they ask where the keys are to the gun safe and your wife hands them over, you will lose your guns :yes:


Just not worth it, keep them on you or in a keycode safe at all times ;)

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first set stays in my pocket, no matter what trousers I'm wearing


the spares, hidden, where no one would find them (I hope)




Yep, that kinda how it has to be.


What about when you got your trousers off :o:clapper:;)


hang them on my prince albert :icon_redface:

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first set stays in my pocket, no matter what trousers I'm wearing


the spares, hidden, where no one would find them (I hope)




Yep, that kinda how it has to be.


What about when you got your trousers off :o:clapper:;)


hang them on my prince albert :icon_redface:



Well I've seen the odd one with a ring through it, but never one with a complete watch chain and set of keys hanging off it. Mind those natives used to do something similar to good effect ;):angel:

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i have one of those electronic combination safes along side gun cabinet and keys kept in there.


only i know combination


you can get em for not bad price from likes of MAKRO and other wharehouse type cash n carrys




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That would be telling Bri :D


But you are quite right, only the certificate holder(s) should have access to the keys, otherwise you are breaking the law.


If the police visit without warning and they ask where the keys are to the gun safe and your wife hands them over, you will lose your guns :yes:


Just not worth it, keep them on you or in a keycode safe at all times ;)


On the (hopefully) occasion of a visit from the police or FEO: i have told my wife


A not to let them in the house,


B to get them to ring me on my mobile, and


C to arrange a mutually agreeable time to come back. Simple. :thumbs:


I do not relish the thought of the police or FEO at my house itching to get a look at my security set-up, and hoping they can trip the wife up, and thereby lose me my ticket - no! :laugh:


BUT, I have to say, the primary set of keys are with me all the time, and no one else at all knows the whereabouts of the other set - I have laid out a few clues around the house, but the meaningand significance of which are known only to me. Each clue leads to the next, and the final one - to my secondary set. LOL


God, I should have worked at the S.O.E in the war time - we would have had some fun i tell ya! :rofl:





Edited by Grim Reaper
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