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Cage Traps Up Trees?

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That's some real Bulk / Economy sized bottle there, Woodga! Blimey! And I wouldn't mind betting they didn't work out at that much more than the silly little bottles of something equelly foul (Pilchard Oil?) we get offered over here.


Actually, all this thinking about oils and lures has led me somewhere. I mean, before we lose sight of it; The core objective of this excersise is one of escape and evasion amongst the local wild life, whilst still attaining my target - mink. But to do that I need to avoid the badgers on the ground and the pine martens off it. Height should take care of the badgers. Fish should bring the mink up. I wonder if there's anything I could do to actively discourage the martens though, while still bringing in the mink?


I think a word with some of North American friends may come in handy here. To them guys the marten is an absolutley top target. They Love catching a few. And, if they study so hard how to attract and catch them, they'd surely be the boys to tell me how Not to do it? Worth a crack. Surely?


I must say, I'm thoroughly enjoying all this! So much more interesting and challenging that slinging down a Fenn Mk IV in a tunnel and awaiting the predictable. This smacks more of Real Trapping! :good:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: Ummmm ..... I suspect because, at times, the most glaringly, patently f***ing obvious slips us by, Ricky! :icon_redface:


You're right. I'll grab a tin of sardines next time I'm in town!


Actually, fact is that stuff like Woodga and I are discussing here Will be 200 times more potent. But, for a quick try out? Yep. A tin from the supermarket will do for starters :good:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Planning to go into town tomorrow, Ricky. Hope I can remember the tin. Only I've got a lot on right now and that cage isn't exactly uppermost in my mind, mate.


I'm also waiting to here from a guy in US, seems to like his mink too. I've asked him - though I figure it's a pretty forlorn hope - if he might reccomend a 'Mink Lure' which could offer me the edge over these damn martens. PM's are completely outside of my experiance, but I'm wrangling with the notion that Polecats were traditionally known as " FoulMart's " while pm's got the name " Sweetmart's ". So I figure their glands must kick out an entirely differant smell? Mink I'd personally call " Foul and Fishy "! I don't know if maybe, say, pure mink essence might turn a marten away while bringing a mink in?


But, again, scent lures are new on me. This sort anyway. I do understand you have to, eg. match the type of lure to the season? Like, a winter mink wants food, not a female (I think that's it? :unsure: ) So a pungent waft of seasoning female won't turn a buck with his balls up, see?


Like I say, mate; I'm flying blind here. I just hope that, IF I can crack anything here, I may be able to share it and so help others learn by my own thrashing about in the dark :good:

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christ , you lads like to make your lives hard , find a wind fall big enuff to set your trap on , a couple of bent nails thru the wire into the tree and its set, use whats at hand , fish , rabbit , dogfood ,roadkill , chicken skins , if you set in the right place , the animals will be around , you don,t need all this fancy gagetry, if i had a tree house like the set up in the picture i could be just like tarzan

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
christ , you lads like to make your lives hard , find a wind fall big enuff to set your trap on , a couple of bent nails thru the wire into the tree and its set



:unsure: Errr ..... Moley; That 'Tarzans Tree House' is just hung on a couple of nails, mate. There are no wind fallen boughs handily on the small piece of ground I'm working with here. So, at great expense of labour and effort, I moved a ground layer a few yards and slung it against a tree. Where's the shame in that?


And why go to even That level of bother? Because, as explained above: That trap's in my own 'Garden', mate. If I bait or catch in ANY trap, set within the boundries of my garden, my Dogs will find it and trash it. That one I've simply positioned so they can't reach it.


Hey, but I know what you're thinking, eh? 'Looking That good, he Must have spent Hours messing around to achieve it?!' Naah. I'm just such a natural! Two minute job :laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That's a beautiful old picture! :) So evocative of a bygone age.


I have a double compartment Trap Cage, round here somewhere. Horizontal model. Call bird compartment in the middle and trap either side. Made by S. Young & Sons (Misterton) in the days before even they started adopting Twilweld and making those monsterous great big Bullfinch Traps.


Even as a kid I've always had an absolute fasination with things made out of drilled wood and wire 'bars', like that one.


Heh! And then they tell me there's no such thing as 'Reincarnation' :D

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Damn! Duckwing! Now ye've got me hooked!


The Call Bird Cage there is universal standard. The bird in it's hard to make out, especially in B&W like that. But that second picture drew a muted " O. M. G!!! " from my lips! Damn, but that looked like a particulat Trap Board I'd Love to see 'in the flesh'! One I've got vague sketches of and yet have never handled.


But that bird in it? Doesn't look quite like anything on the British List and, come to that - while I'm not that up on them, I can't seem to place it as anything European either! Just what the hell is that thing? Do you know?


Anyway, weird little bird there leads me to suspect these are scanned from a book, yeah? So ye likely don't know a lot more about that particular board? Or do ye? Cos I'd certainly be intrigued to learn more about its provinance.


Ye know; You say " Off Topic ". But this is the Trapping Board and I - and I'm sure a great many others - tale immense pleasure in examining shots such as this. It's getting me thinking. Take a look at my own Post HERE. Now, isn't she a beauty? I wonder if IanB might be persuaded to agree there is indeed room on this forum for more such stuff ....? ;)


Plenty more where that one came from .....

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I suppose it must be, Moles. Quite right, mate. It just goes to show how unaccustomed I am to seeing things in monochrome! The reddish orange looks so positivley Black, in that old shot, all I could think about were things like Sardinian Warblers! :icon_eek: That and the fact that the trap itself simply got me so excited ~ I'm bloody sure it's exactly what I've been trying to find all these years.


When I get time, I'll hook out my own referances to this one and compare. If that's a photograph of what I have a diagram of, I shall die a happier man for having finally seen it and cracked the mystery. Seriously :good:

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