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missing bolt

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hi there, in the process of buying a brno .22 rimmy from a mate of mine, unfortunatly he has lost the bolt.

i was wondering, roughly how much would it cost for a new or second hand one?



I might be wrong but it's not as simple as just buying a bolt due to head space issues.

.22 brno's can be purchased for as little as £20 in the auctions, my mate got one in almost new condition for £40. Unless there is a specific reason, I doubt your mates is worth the hassle.



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hi there, in the process of buying a brno .22 rimmy from a mate of mine, unfortunatly he has lost the bolt.

i was wondering, roughly how much would it cost for a new or second hand one?


Thats not good mate - maybe i'm wrong but i've got a feeling this mate of yours needs to inform the police if he's misplaced part of a firearm. Also i very much doubt a replacement bolt would fit without a fair bit of re-machining... which would probably cost more that a second brno would to buy.

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you will have to send the gun off to the cz dealer and get them to do a bolt for it. the bolt cost isnt that much i bet but postage from frd to rfd will soon add up.

if i where you i wiould stay clear of the bother and get a secondhand one from somewhere else

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