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Anyone fancy a change?

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Just testing the water as they say :D I'm wondering if anyone on here prefably S, Wales has a hw100 that they are bored of? I have a S410 and have had it for a while now so would anyone like to swap a hw100 for it? doesn't have to be forever just a couple of weeks if prefered :gunsmilie: Just be nice to have a swap instead of using the same gun all the time? Got offered a swap before but the guy had sold the hw100 before i had chance to do the deal. Anyway guys and gals let me know if your interested! :thumbs:



What about some money added then? Lets say £50 and the s410 for your hw100? I know i'll regret it but just fancy a change! My s410 has Nikko sterling sights (nighteaters i think?) plus 2 x 10 shot mags and case and sling. Anyone interested?

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