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Toyota Hilux/Surf Owners

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Sorry to sound like a total newb but Im after some advice on these... I know a fair bit about cars, engines and mechanics but this is a whole different ball game for me.

I've always had very high performance cars, tons of bhp, concentrating on handling, performance and I was into track driving a few years back.

But me and the missus decided its just not feasable to run these anymore and Ive lost interest these days and with the number of dogs I have it makes sense to get something big I can chuck the missus/kids/dogs in but I dont have a damn clue about 4x4's.


Ive decided on a toyota hilux/surf seems fairly indistructable, reliable and enough room for what I want it for and I'll be getting one as soon as I get shot of my car and the left over change will come in handy (new lamp & gun hehe).


Firstly Ive never driven an auto I prefer manual but all the ones I see are auto, so I think I can get my head round that, but whats confusing me is wtf is the gear stick for along side the automatic selector? Something to do with the 4 wheel drive system?

Can anyone explain in detail? Im guessing it runs 2wd until you chuck it in 4wd?

Any tips for driving one of these tanks for the first time? I know its gonna be a world of difference from what Im used too.


Also any common problems I should look out for (appart from obvious things) when Im looking for one to buy? What breaks/goes wrong on em?

Whats the biggest outlay on em? Tyres Im guessing. Not really bothered with econemy since I dont tend to travel far these days.


Cheers folks :thumbs:

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The second gear stick is for 'fwd', 'low range' and diff lock. This helps it with traction in extreme conditions. Usually driven in high range 2wd (even off road) you can then select high range fwd if you start losing traction. when it starts getting steep you can then select low range, which will in effect be like adding a second gearbox to the drive chain, to slow the speed but increase the torque delivered to the wheels. If it then gets REALLY muddy you can then select 'DIFF LOCK' to lock all wheels to run at the same speed no matter what traction they've got. (same sort of thing as your high performance cars with limited slip diff) This is to only be used on rough terrain as running it on the road, you can damage the differentials


One important thing I found with off roaders is that my wife gets travel sick in them! all the swaying about round corners got to her, so we had to get rid and buy a Volvo estate instead! so get the missus to come on the test drive with you.


As for the auto boxes, I know nothing about them but their's probably a reason there's lots of auto's for sale but not many manuals?


Hope I could help a bit and good luck with the purchase.





Edited by bullmastiff
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if your going for a surf go for the 3.0 ltr not a 2.4 as the cooling side on the 2.4 has issues around the 100.000 miles .. not the head as such that goes but the water ports in the head corrode and are pretty thin which once it corodes you get cracks etc hence overheating .. also the matrix is prone to gunging up giving the same symtoms as the head being away so folk put them into the garage to get the head replaced when a good old flush can sort it out ...... great motors and loads of room but stick with the 3.0 ltr one ;) ... stay away from discoverys lots of probs with them .... :thumbs:

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