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Help blisters/blobs armpits

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Ive noticed something on my lurcher as she was rolling upside down.

They're like pussy nodules or blisters in her arm pits and back of her legs, some almost the size of a pea but mostly smaller. The one big one on the back of her leg I spotted yesterday looks like its burst and is red raw now. :o

Theres deffo fluid in them, dont wanna burst one for fear of hurting her...not sure if its puss or some kind of fluid like a blister...


Ive seen a similar thing on one of my whippets bellys usually after running it wet grass but on a much smaller scale, they looked more like spots/whiteheads. On the lurcher they're much bigger :(


Anyone got any idea what this is, treatment or prevention?

Doubt its comfortable especally if they're all gonna burst like the other one :blink:


Any advice would be greatly apriciated! Thanks


I'll try and get a photo later but shes sleeping at the mo, not taken her out this morning so nothings rubbing or being disturbed....

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Actually I just checked my whippet that's had the similar problem before and hes got them too, the other 3 are fine and the puppy doesn't go out yet so shes fine too :wacko:

Anyone seen this before?


They all go out to the same place together, eat the same stuff... alergy, grass, nettles?







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Aint seen a flea in years mate not since I got shot of the mangy ass cat...

Been doing some googling sounds like it could be Impetigo / milk rash treatable by benzoyl peroxide shampoo but thats just from what Ive found so far... the whip's had em before but not that bad and they clear up within 24 hours.

Possibly caused by wet grass which they've been through a lot of lately... :hmm:

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rock sulpher in the dogs water ... evening primrose oil supplement and aloe vera gel on the rash ..........


Cheers socks, I'll give it a whirl.

This does sound like impetigo, makes sense really, they run so fast through the long wet grass it damges the skin allowing bacteria in, only affects the two with practually balled bellys/abdomens, all the others have good fur coverage which protects em.

Spose its like being whipped in the belly by a million blades of tough grass...

Gonna pop down the vets as soon as the missus comes back with the car, see if they've got some medicated shampoo as well. Will rest em up till it clears.

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It's grass rash. My lot all get it at some point. The whippet x kelpie has had it quite bad this summer. And the borders that haven't got much hair under their bellies get it too.


Get some Aloe Vera moisturiser (from any where - Superdrug, Savers, Bodycare etc etc - they all sell it . It's about 99p a tub). If you rub that over the rash it pretty goes by the next morning.


Its nothing to worry about really.



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Cheers I'll pick some up tomorrow, think Im gonna get the missus to make him some sort of waterproof coat that goes under the belly to protect his bald bits heh

wish they'd just bring the fields down around here so it wont be a problem, be easier to spot the bunnys too :D

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