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Now we have started slaughtering our Dexter steers, we've decided to have a go at making some sausages - that's if we can find a decent electric mincer and a sausage maker. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions - either of what to buy or what to avoid.


Many thanks

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do get what you pay for but im now working an EI YOUNG electric mincer at around £ 145..its ace...but

i started with one from argos and it is still going strong....


i know a couple o folk who bought lidls one and still working...just dinnae think its an industrial unit and take your time with it...29.99 quid aint bad!!!


if going to make sausages honest its far better easier and quickert if you buy a seperate sausage stuffer rather than use the combo type on your electric mincer


i bought my ei young electric mincer and a hand crank dedicated sausage stuffer from www.bushwear.co.uk


never looked back


yum yum



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  Clover said:
Now we have started slaughtering our Dexter steers, we've decided to have a go at making some sausages - that's if we can find a decent electric mincer and a sausage maker. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions - either of what to buy or what to avoid.


Many thanks



What I found is that cheap Lidl mincers and hand mincers do not give the texture of shop/butchers mince. I was lucky and purchased an ex-butchers mincer which to my surprise produced mince with the correct texture (obvious I know but something that came as a surprise). When we are processing a deer, I use the lidl mincers as a sausage stuffer and it works very well indeed. I guess it all depends up on what results you are trying to achieve. I found the cheap electric mincers tend to clog up very quickly and you spend more time stripping them than actually using them but that might be because I use all the off cuts for my mince which tend to be of poor quality. The other thing is which sausage mix to buy. As yet I haven't found a commercial sausage mix that we like and there is an art to mixing to the meat. We use Mince / onion / bread crumbs (until the mix isn't sticky) / egg / teaspoon of garlic & the same of mustard. This makes a nice breakfast venison sausage to our taste. Mixed in to the whole lot is salt / pepper / spices.

We also don't like natural cases which tend to be a little bit rubbery.



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  Clover said:
Now we have started slaughtering our Dexter steers, we've decided to have a go at making some sausages - that's if we can find a decent electric mincer and a sausage maker. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions - either of what to buy or what to avoid.


Many thanks

my reply is same as on the other forum you asked on :blink:

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  HUnter_zero said:
  Clover said:
Now we have started slaughtering our Dexter steers, we've decided to have a go at making some sausages - that's if we can find a decent electric mincer and a sausage maker. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions - either of what to buy or what to avoid.


Many thanks



What I found is that cheap Lidl mincers and hand mincers do not give the texture of shop/butchers mince. I was lucky and purchased an ex-butchers mincer which to my surprise produced mince with the correct texture (obvious I know but something that came as a surprise). When we are processing a deer, I use the lidl mincers as a sausage stuffer and it works very well indeed. I guess it all depends up on what results you are trying to achieve. I found the cheap electric mincers tend to clog up very quickly and you spend more time stripping them than actually using them but that might be because I use all the off cuts for my mince which tend to be of poor quality. The other thing is which sausage mix to buy. As yet I haven't found a commercial sausage mix that we like and there is an art to mixing to the meat. We use Mince / onion / bread crumbs (until the mix isn't sticky) / egg / teaspoon of garlic & the same of mustard. This makes a nice breakfast venison sausage to our taste. Mixed in to the whole lot is salt / pepper / spices.

We also don't like natural cases which tend to be a little bit rubbery.





Hi hunter -zero

have you tried scobies direct website?? www.scobiesdirect.com


my brother n i usually untill recently made our own flavours....and i mean tried anything and everything....


vension with 2 jars of ocean spray cranberry jelly for example!!!!


but recently we bought a couple of buthcer packs frorm scobies direct and their flavourings are bloody ace!!!! got a heap more of em to try too.





got pissed off finding shit in the freezer not know ing what it was ...frozen lump so bought a vacuumm packer and some sticky labels!!!! this lot are yesterdays effort with scobies direct pork n leek flavour





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  sauer said:
  HUnter_zero said:
  Clover said:
Now we have started slaughtering our Dexter steers, we've decided to have a go at making some sausages - that's if we can find a decent electric mincer and a sausage maker. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions - either of what to buy or what to avoid.


Many thanks



What I found is that cheap Lidl mincers and hand mincers do not give the texture of shop/butchers mince. I was lucky and purchased an ex-butchers mincer which to my surprise produced mince with the correct texture (obvious I know but something that came as a surprise). When we are processing a deer, I use the lidl mincers as a sausage stuffer and it works very well indeed. I guess it all depends up on what results you are trying to achieve. I found the cheap electric mincers tend to clog up very quickly and you spend more time stripping them than actually using them but that might be because I use all the off cuts for my mince which tend to be of poor quality. The other thing is which sausage mix to buy. As yet I haven't found a commercial sausage mix that we like and there is an art to mixing to the meat. We use Mince / onion / bread crumbs (until the mix isn't sticky) / egg / teaspoon of garlic & the same of mustard. This makes a nice breakfast venison sausage to our taste. Mixed in to the whole lot is salt / pepper / spices.

We also don't like natural cases which tend to be a little bit rubbery.





Hi hunter -zero

have you tried scobies direct website?? www.scobiesdirect.com


my brother n i usually untill recently made our own flavours....and i mean tried anything and everything....


vension with 2 jars of ocean spray cranberry jelly for example!!!!


but recently we bought a couple of buthcer packs frorm scobies direct and their flavourings are bloody ace!!!! got a heap more of em to try too.





got pissed off finding shit in the freezer not know ing what it was ...frozen lump so bought a vacuumm packer and some sticky labels!!!! this lot are yesterdays effort with scobies direct pork n leek flavour






They look lovely mate.

Well done.



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  sauer said:
but recently we bought a couple of buthcer packs frorm scobies direct and their flavourings are bloody ace!!!!




Very nice bit of sausage tying there buddy!! very good indeed.


I'll check the website out right now. I just buy mine at the local butchers supplies, not good at all.

Have you tried any specifically for venison?


We have a killer pork sausage recipe (will PM you with it if you want to try it).



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always open to more ideas pm away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


havent bought any yet that are specific to venison just experimenting!!!

heres flavours we have bought recently


new yorker sausage mix

cajun sausage mix

cheddar & spring onion sausage mix

pork & leek sausage mix (with a leek food processed to mush n thrown in also)

sun dried meditereanean tomato sausage mix & burger mix

angus steak burger mix


and for last 2 or 3 years since we started sausages n burgers we have been experimenting ourselves just throwning stuff in to try, the proper bought buthcer packs are a fairly new thing for us ( brother & i , shoot together and just split everything 50/50 )


when we started one o my neighbours ...is a butcher in local butcher shop so i just knocked on his door and asked if could show me...which he did gladly in return for some vension....


all we did was buy butchers rusk and a base powder seasoning either beef or pork ( powder butchers use for their sausages) we would put in a little of the seasoning regardless of what flavours we attempted just as a base and butcher rusk then water and mix till ready......


we found that roughly 5 or 6lbs of mince was a handy "batch" size for tescos wash hand basins that i bought purposely for mixing vension their cheap!!!


on top of the rusk n seasoning ...thats when fun started!!!!!!!!


heres some of our "homemade" flavourings


wierd but works....strwaberry jam 1 large jar to 5 or 6 lbs mince bloody good

cranberry jelly 2 jars of ocean spray ...still do this one its ace

spring onions 6 bunches fae tesco mushed to pulp in food processor ...sausages are ace

brown sauce decent whole bottle....think bout it.....full of its own spices bloody good too


now i wanterd to make my own "cheese burger" so thought bout making 2 thinner burgers and sandwhiching cheese atwen them.... but

lass told me to grate a whole block o cheese and mix thru the mince then burger as usual ....WOW ACE!!!!!!!!!!!


so just play...if flavour aint to your liking dont do it agian !!! and im really enjoying making them then having a taster session after cleaning up!!!


we started with tesco freezer bags and vacuum packer & sticky labels ...sounds like hard work but doesnt take much longer and what a difference!!!! you can tell what you got in the freezer and coz i date it i can rotate new stuff to bottom and work older stuff to top o freezer to use!


heres links to my burger press




heres our mincer


altho we got it cheaper think it was bout 150 quid but worth it


and sausage stuffer similar to ours ..ours was 90 quid bit cheaper from bushwear also



i love experimenting.....i refuse to buy meat from a super market now butcher or home shot/caught....


starting to muck bout with rabbit too now and hopefully this year pheasant also

my brother went into local butcher bought a whole front leg of a pig...we boned it out ourselves and made our own pork bangers and the butcher only charged him 12 quid!!!!


i buy my pork belly from butchers without rind on and no bones and usually always add as a rough guide just a pound of prok belly to 5 or 6 pound of vension just to take that"leaness"" of off it other wise if not carefull they dry out real quick


all the best and go for it

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hi there, im new 2 this site 2day so i apol if u guys hav covered this already, buttttttttttt,


i use raw chicken carcases 2 feed 2 my dogs and at the minute im using 1 of the old cast iron hand turning mincer, i buy the carcases in 8kg bags, 3 at a time, then mince bout 10 of them every other nite be4 feeding to the dogs, it would be loverly 2 find a electric mincer that is capable of mincing the carcases, bone and all in 1 go when ive bort them, so i can freeze them in seperate bags,


does [NO TEXT TALK] no of such a mincer, a friend told me about this site and tht he had once seen a mincer for sale tht was capable of mincing a full rabbit carcases for the price of 80 pounds, where is it :D


any info folks would be great thanks

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  sauer said:
always open to more ideas pm away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Okay, made a batch up for the long weekend!!




A long tie between because these are for the smoker, in fact in the smoker as I type :)


Of course the sausage makers privilege is to try before you...well freeze or smoke'um :)




I am knacker now, made a batch of 10 kgs to take us through the summer (joke). Taste divine! but taste better after a day or two.


Anyway, this recipe was taken from 'Adventures of a Bacon Curer' written by Maynard Davies.

Quantities and weights have been converted and reduced to his (Theo's bacon curers) original recipe.


Spice stock.


Salt : 771 grams

Allspice : 17 grams

Nutmeg : 17 grams

Cayenne pepper : 3 grams

Ginger powder : 3 grams

Coriander : 20 grams


Meat mix


Lean Pork (fine minced) : 2300 grams

Back fat (if you can get it or belly pork) : 454 grams (medium mincer blade)

Rice (dry weight) : 272 grams (boil and let it go stone cold, mince with pork).

Dry Milk Powder : 45 grams

BEFORE mixing all together, add 70 to 96 grams (dependant on flavour required, we found 96 to be a little salty but good for a tea time sausage) of the Spice stock to the lean mince and leave for 24 hours to take on the flavour of the spices.



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  HUnter_zero said:
  sauer said:
always open to more ideas pm away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Okay, made a batch up for the long weekend!!




A long tie between because these are for the smoker, in fact in the smoker as I type :)


Of course the sausage makers privilege is to try before you...well freeze or smoke'um :)




I am knacker now, made a batch of 10 kgs to take us through the summer (joke). Taste divine! but taste better after a day or two.


Anyway, this recipe was taken from 'Adventures of a Bacon Curer' written by Maynard Davies.

Quantities and weights have been converted and reduced to his (Theo's bacon curers) original recipe.


Spice stock.


Salt : 771 grams

Allspice : 17 grams

Nutmeg : 17 grams

Cayenne pepper : 3 grams

Ginger powder : 3 grams

Coriander : 20 grams


Meat mix


Lean Pork (fine minced) : 2300 grams

Back fat (if you can get it or belly pork) : 454 grams (medium mincer blade)

Rice (dry weight) : 272 grams (boil and let it go stone cold, mince with pork).

Dry Milk Powder : 45 grams

BEFORE mixing all together, add 70 to 96 grams (dependant on flavour required, we found 96 to be a little salty but good for a tea time sausage) of the Spice stock to the lean mince and leave for 24 hours to take on the flavour of the spices.



STOP I'm famished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :piggy:

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