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Rabbits: Winter vs Summer

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I've had a rabbit problem for a few years, but decided to get rid of them this summer.


I've been snaring and shooting for about a month(on and off).


So far I've got rid of about 50 rabbits so far, and the activity and damage has gone right down, and I'm only now seeing the odd rabbit as apose to masses of them.


It's a 3 acre sports ground.


The problem I'm having now is, I don't know whitch beats are still being used and whitch are old and the dead rabbits were using. Would it be better to wait until winter when the beats are more shown and theres less rabbit numbers?


I am trying to wipe out the entire population, this is not a farm where you keep the number down, I'm trying to completely wipe them out.



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Maybe now is the time to start using new methods of rabbit control. U have used the summer methods now its time to use the winter methods. Why not make use of the nights longnetting lamping and so on (cages).


regards Roger.

Edited by R_Oldroyd
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snaring is an all season activity ;) just have a look at the beats and see which ones are duller as in growth over the runs look for the ones that stand out normally we could tell this in situations such as you describe iv seen us lay 100 peg wires to take ten rabbits a lot of work but he results were worth it ,if you dont have axcess to large numbers of wires i would watch the field early evening and see which areas the remaining rabbits were entering from and concentrate laying wires around this , yes after the first frosts the runs will appear to be seen a lot easier but why wait :no: cage trapping does work but setting up say a dozen cages which are bulky to say the least as opposed to weight of snares well im lazy and allways look for the easiest method as well as the visability factor drawing unwanted atention from the public even though on some areas they shouldnt even be there good luck in what ever you decide to do :yes:

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i would be amazed if totaly wiped them out :yes: if your on a little oasis of land, then it might be possible, but if your in a rural location, then it will be a tall order.


good advise there from other members. night shooting may also prove usfull

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I've caught another four this morning.


The place is somewhat isolated, new ones could move in, but it's not so much open land.


Something very intresting happend this morning tho.


I checked where one snare should be, but it was gone and there had clearly been a big struggle.


I then checked the other and found a rabbit with 2 snares round it's neck about 100 meters from where the old one should of been.


It was a monster sized one too!

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I've caught another four this morning.


The place is somewhat isolated, new ones could move in, but it's not so much open land.


Something very intresting happend this morning tho.


I checked where one snare should be, but it was gone and there had clearly been a big struggle.


I then checked the other and found a rabbit with 2 snares round it's neck about 100 meters from where the old one should of been.


It was a monster sized one too!


Make sure your pegs are in a bit better next time,the next rabbit might not be so lucky and end up running around with a snare,tealer and peg round its neck :yes:

Edited by MR TEA POT
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