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Porbeagle shark fishing

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just wondering if anyone could give me any tips on how its done and what i need, im pretty sure that there are a few around i jsut wouldnt like too go out unprepared , what sort of bait is used and is a rubby dubby bag used on the surface?

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I use a 50lb class rod, with an Abu 7500, Berkeley Big Game 60lb Line onto a 15ft Rubbing trace of 200lb mono, because the Porbeagles skin is so rough he will snap anything lighter if he gets twisted in it, onto the rubbing leader is a wire trace and a 10/0 O'Shaughnessey Hook with a mackerel flapper on the end, everything is linked with 500lb Big Game swivels. And a balloon for a float.


For Rubby Dubby I use chopped mackerel, scad or whatever is about, mixed with pilchard oil or any fish oil.

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If you have yet to purchase any gear may i suggest that you go out with a charter skipper who will have all the gear on his boat (most do these days).


They will probably charge you a little extra on the charter price but will give you a good idea as to what you will need, Porbeagles where the predominant shark species along the Bristol channel / north Cornish coast, so if you can find a skipper on these waters he will give you a good idea of what time / tide is best for you to go after the Porgies.


all the best


fin and fur

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