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whos been shooting them road signs?

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I inspect railway level crossings people love shooting signs all my rural ones get massacred on a regular basis.


Waste of good ammo. Now shoot a speed camera . . .Why not? One of the little fughpigs shot me in the back!

Ric :gunsmilie::gunsmilie: :gunsmilie:

Edited by RicW
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Mr Seiber, who is now a fleet driver trainer, says he found one sign in Leicestershire that had been attacked with a high-velocity 23mm shell from a rifle.


That would be some fox round!! :whistling:


And to think, the majority of what of reported by investigative journalists is actually believed by the masses!!

Edited by mattydski
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theres a few around the slieve blooms in eire that have been shot to bits with every calibre availaible inc howitzers i can think of one that did say nature reserve its full of holes from .22 to holes 3 inches across i think our friends used it for target practice atb topps

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i dont think ive ever seen a sign on a back road in either essex or cornwall that hasnt got at least one bullet hole in it!


its been going on for years! :(




Always been the way round here too.

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