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Introducing ferrets to a jack russel

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Hi folks im thinking of getting a couple of ferrets a jill and a hob.

I have a 2.5 year old jack russell i take rabbiting with a friend who has two whippets, mine never catches them as he is too slow but he loves getting involved in the action .

Anyway he is a bit of a lively charachter , so what are the best ways to introduce the dog to the ferrets ?

Any tips please?

They are 8 weeks old , i do plan on working them when i learn a bit more.

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try and let the kits settle in a bit first mate. get them and the dog used to each other from looking through the cage.

get the dog out on a couple of hour walk, and then get a nice big bowl of milk for them all to drink out of at the same time. keep doing this mate and you shouldnt have any problems, although some just wont accept each other. persiverance is the key.

also try and get out with anybody you know that works there ferrets before you consider using yours. if you have to carry nets e.t.c all day its worth it in the long run.

most of all try not to rush anything.


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Keep the hutch on eye level with terrier, for the start anyway. Gets them used to each other without. Just be careful of mesh, dogs can get their tongues nipped. Not had to break an adult russell to ferrets but mine is soft as putty with them and the hutch is in her run at eye level.

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My old jack was a bit of a bast**d with most things from mice to other dogs

Yet the ferrets he was fine with he seemed to know what they were for and if they

went in the box we were going ferreting somehow he seemed to know and got on with

the ferrets ok

We just let them get to know each other a bit at a time and gradually increased the trust

and thankfully no probs

George my old russell lived to a ripe old age of 17 he died 5 years ago and i still miss him like mad

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Was realy worrid about the reaction i thought i was going to get, but a lot of handling the ferrets in front of the Jacks and telling them to leave them when they looked like getting a bit to eager worked for me, now they all play together on the grass without any misshaps.

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