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A Few shots of the dogs

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Here are a few i thought you may like to see, I'm not happy with these really as i missed the light by about 20 minutes and had to shoot with a high iso


My labrador Fern







Zak A friends bedlington x lurcher i've been looking after for a couple of days








Vixen my whippet








These were taken 1/2 hour earlier this evening and i'm happy with these.









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Lovely shots of some gorgeous dogs :) Why you not happy??????? They are brilliant pics! Doesn't seem to be too much noise in spite of the high ISO.


Have you tried selectively sharpening just the dogs? Can help if there's noise in the blurred background... I often sharpen the whole image, then just history brush the bg back to leave it unsharpened. Sometimes with furry things I'm even more selective with the sharpening, restricting it to just the eyes, nose & teeth maybe. Sometimes fur can look spikey, when it should be soft... Just a personal thing I guess!

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  jackboy said:
nice dogs, where did you get vixens collar from?


I bought it from a lady off thewhippetforum.com. She lives in australia and it's hand sewn kangaroo leather, really soft collar. I paid £25.00 for the collar and lead 3 years ago

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  bluebell said:
Brilliant pics Paul :thumbs: you will have to take a few of Paris at the midlands if your going this year :thumbs:


I'm not going to the Midland this year. I will be at the pride of the peaks after lunch with Vixen though

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