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Coursing dog breeding !!

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Doe's anyone else get pissid off as I do when people advertise coursing dogs out of Peg, (Bills bitch x Joes dog), out of Harry's dog x The Hairy Bitch, Sire is from the 1/2 sister of the dog that almost won the Foley Cup X a dog that a man who has good dogs own's.......and they ALL go back to Merlin X Eve ?????? Why not just say the REAL breeding ???



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Doe's anyone else get pissid off as I do when people advertise coursing dogs out of Peg, (Bills bitch x Joes dog), out of Harry's dog x The Hairy Bitch, Sire is from the 1/2 sister of the dog that almost won the Foley Cup X a dog that a man who has good dogs own's.......and they ALL go back to Merlin X Eve ?????? Why not just say the REAL breeding ???




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Guest ivorbigun
it only pisses you off because you dont know the dogs mention or understand the breeding. hows your dog bred? bet if you said the names less people would know them than the ones in coursing ads ;)

:wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:

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i think i understand what you mean, i find it irratating when people reel off names of dogs i have never heard of or cannot place but the actual breed of dog isn't mentioned!! is it a terrier, a lurcher a saluki a whippet . . .

if you don't reconise the name you don't have a clue!!

having said that i still like to know the bloodlines etc in my dogs

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it dont bother me about people naming the dogs in there breeding , i think its good to know , if you can relate to the names of the dogs used in the breeding then you have a good idea to how well they are breed and what a proven strain they are and have been used for many years and years to come .

if owt it just puts other lurcher breedings to shame as most others are breed heinze beans breed and havnt a clue to what in ther dogs.

so for me keep naming the dogs so the men that can relate to them know whats in there breeding. and all you that cant relate do your home work or dont bother reading the posts if they offend you . ;)




atb jackard

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i can see why people with no understanding of daytime coursing dog breeds might think it's all a load of shit and just away of trying to get an extra few quid for a pup or dog. but to the people that love day time running dogs and the breeding of coursing dogs understand the different types and the way dirrent strains run and look.

the days of saying that your dog is just saluki greyhound for example are gone ( unless you have bred a litter of first crosses) as most dogs are bred best to best theses days

i would not let it bother you to much mate as life is to sort

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