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border terrier for stud

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What state? the breed is in no such "state" you have issues with people owning them as pets and showing them, such is life Im afraid, there is a damn sight more Patts, Fells, Russells etc at Terrier "shows" than there is Borders, dont cha know! :whistling:



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dawn do u work ur borders on fox just a question as iv seen them at shows
Have you? Why didnt you introduce yourself, Im surprised you were at a KC dog show! :whistling: I work none of my dogs on Fox anymore, last time was about 4yrs ago.
  Hepher said:

What state? the breed is in no such "state" you have issues with people owning them as pets and showing them, such is life Im afraid, there is a damn sight more Patts, Fells, Russells etc at Terrier "shows" than there is Borders, dont cha know! :whistling:



Oh, Im sorry, there was me thinking showing was for the folk who dont work their dogs!!! :tongue2::whistling::whistling:

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Guest the techno viking
  Wxm said:
Hi THL I have a border terrier dog 12 months old he is red in colour with no papers.

he is FREE to use but he has a small problem only one testicle has dropped so its really a test to see if he will produce.

I have heard of other dogs being able to produce with one testicle dropped.

will be free for the 1st couple of mating's but after that a bag off meal / treats or small donation would be accepted for his services.

Any other breeds welcome.

ha ha ha defo a piss take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  waidmann said:
i'm afraid the point is getting lost.


some seem to think that peformance should come first. a working dog should be bred from( irrespective of health and form/standard)

if that be the case why have a standard for a BREED of dog?

becaus if we did not we would have no specific breed at all would we? we would have working dogs with misformed skeletal build up(including teeth), long tails, etc etc but they would fit in a set and work like the devil for a couple of years (untill heart problems,hip displacia,eye disorders,hereditry deafness etc took their toll and he died of natural causes)

these are problems i think it is in everyones interest to avoid, by this i do not mean kc standards(euthenasia/arian selection as mentioned above) but common bloody sense!

a dog must prove himself at his task over an acceptable amount of seasons, be in an excellant condition( physicly and mentaly!!!) and then,and only then can it even be considered to line him with a bitch of suitable breeding and ability. this is the process of selective breeding which has given us some brilliant working dogs of a sustainable class,form and temperament.

if you want to work any old dog no matter what, no problem.

maybe these chaps would be so kind as to start their own club? maybe even another thread " absolute workers of mixed breeds dont give a toss whether of standard or healthy heritage or not" try that in the for sale section?

i hope the next time i wish to buy a terrier i can look upon these posts to make a choice of breeder/bloodlines.


as churchill said: those who choose to agree with me i congratulate on their good sense. those who do not i hope that they regain good health soon.

performance should come first everytime i would never breed from a dog coz it looked good or it had 2 balls if the dog with one nut was the better worker he would be covering the bitch wouldnt even have to think about it what happens if you own that dog of a lifetime and he maybe is shaped funny maybe dosent have the type of coat specific to the breed as you would say maybe has bowed front legs or one nut your saying you would never breed from it your miles out mate stick to your teckels Edited by lakieman
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yes that is exactly what i'm saying.

as for sticking to teckel,i shall stick to a responsible breeder of whichever breed i need to work( lab/springer/terrier/lurcher).

i think that performance is very important,but other criteria MUST be met,least of all that both dog and bitch are healthy. whether or no they are the perfect size,coat or colour( these being factors that may or may not be important to the buyer.but are visible to him/her from the first viewing).

but to overlook a MAJOR health problem which is/could be heredetry is insane and irresponsible to the breed and possible buyer of the pups.


if some people think they are that hard up for healthy dogs no matter which breed then it is indeed a dire state. are they too tight to pay fo the services of a top class stud dog? ( the bitch must be good as they wish to breed from her,and yet not good enough to warrant the price of one of the pups to line her?).


i think i have made my point clearly enough( i even try to type slowly and clearly to make it easier for some) and shall now withdraw from the thread,

thanks alot for the clear views on this obviously hot topic. interesting to hear how some of you think,act and breed your dogs.

all the best with the young border dog mate,hope the ball drops on its own and the dog gets chance to prove himself in the near future.

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cheers richc12 I think your advice has been the best so far bar 1 or 2, and im really contemplating that idea.

im just a little bit worried that the dog won make his full potential being castrated.


can anyone tell me if they have a castrated dog that works as good as any other

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  Wxm said:
cheers richc12 I think your advice has been the best so far bar 1 or 2, and im really contemplating that idea.

im just a little bit worried that the dog won make his full potential being castrated.


can anyone tell me if they have a castrated dog that works as good as any other

i had a terrier with one nut it fathered quite a few pups all dog pups had two nuts and the father just like the offspring had no health problems but it was a worker not a show thing

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  the techno viking said:
  Wxm said:
Hi THL I have a border terrier dog 12 months old he is red in colour with no papers.

he is FREE to use but he has a small problem only one testicle has dropped so its really a test to see if he will produce.

I have heard of other dogs being able to produce with one testicle dropped.

will be free for the 1st couple of mating's but after that a bag off meal / treats or small donation would be accepted for his services.

Any other breeds welcome.

ha ha ha defo a piss take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Certainly got people going. Maybe I'm too gulable.

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  Wxm said:
cheers richc12 I think your advice has been the best so far bar 1 or 2, and im really contemplating that idea.

im just a little bit worried that the dog won make his full potential being castrated.


can anyone tell me if they have a castrated dog that works as good as any other



no bother!! but even if his testicle does drop before 18 months, will your pup have proved himself enough to merit breeding off....


ive read that the immeadite threat of cancer caused buy un-decendended tesiticle isn't to much to worry about as it tends to happed later in life, but the threat/worry will always be in your mind, therefore imo id have him casterated, as 12/18 months matters very little, he will still be a pup, with alot to prove, with a problem that hasnt gone away...


atb with the young un and i hope he matures and proves himself for you mate....


rich ;)

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  Wxm said:
Hi THL I have a border terrier dog 12 months old he is red in colour with no papers.

he is FREE to use but he has a small problem only one testicle has dropped so its really a test to see if he will produce.

I have heard of other dogs being able to produce with one testicle dropped.

will be free for the 1st couple of mating's but after that a bag off meal / treats or small donation would be accepted for his services.

Any other breeds welcome.

you should not breed off a dog with 1 bollock he can pass it on to his pups a vet was telling me.

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  Wxm said:
Hi THL I have a border terrier dog 12 months old he is red in colour with no papers.

he is FREE to use but he has a small problem only one testicle has dropped so its really a test to see if he will produce.

I have heard of other dogs being able to produce with one testicle dropped.

will be free for the 1st couple of mating's but after that a bag off meal / treats or small donation would be accepted for his services.

Any other breeds welcome.

hahahahaha you got to laugh or you'd cry. What a k.n.o.b.
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Lovin all the sarky comments much appreciated !


If thou's small minded people that's just looked at the 1st page rather than look all the way through they would say that I've admitted that I was possibly wrong in offering him for stud.


I'd love to have the time to look through everyone's post / topics to see how many times they've fcuked up by asking a silly question or putting up a post and latet thought what the fcuk have i put.

but I've better things to do.




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