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at WHAT age can YOU tell if a lurcher is ANY GOOD or not?

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i would see what she is like 4t this season .i have a/ deer xgrey/beddy xwippit xgrey she over shoot still couse she has to much speed .but she is now learning to slow up and us her brain abite .u will notise urs will do the start doing the same given a bit more time.atb look up

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ive got a beddy whippet x collie grey, 13 n half month old. ive been giving her a few runs with the lamp these last few weeks and she seems to be fast in a straight line but once the rabbit turns its a mile ahead of her straight away. she can get them if they in a big field but smaller places she doesnt seem to b able to. will she get much better as she gets older or should she be performing better than this at this age??


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She is still VERY young, collie blood needs TIME, she needs more time to musle up and more , much more experience. Keep at it and let us know what she is like in a year, you'll have a cracker

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Guest miller1989

Sounds a bit like my bitch at first,she is one hell of a fast dog its all about judgement of speed and the dog using its brains and striking at the right time,with all quarry turning faster slower sharper smaller bigger.The more your ndogs out the better my bitch used to run flat out at a squatter slide 15 20 meters past and bunnys gone,now with all the hard work she walks or gentle run down the beam untill rabbit lifts the she starts moving turns a few times if its lucky and then strikes at the right time! Anyway all with experiencve mate for all types of quarry keep at it she will be fine.Some of the fields are way are pritty small :victory:

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I'm in the same boat as you mate,have jut got a 16 month old second cross beddy/whippet for ferreting mainly but hope to get him some lamping soon to see how he goes on. The previous owner said he follows the lamp well so here's hoping!!

Stick with it mate, am sure she'l come good for you :thumbs: ATB.


Dottydoo thats seriously good looking wee terrier you got there.

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my dog was crap at the end of last season she was 13 months and i cept her for this summer and she has improved big time with all the day time rabbts and i had her out a few times lamping in the last 2 weeks and she is a top dog now so dont sell it on because its no good just giv it a chance because it is still younge!!

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Maybe someone can verify this as true or not (I'm still fairly new to this!),

With squatters try and get behind them if possible, when they decide to run, they leave in the direction their facing, so a dog trying to pick it out of the seat from the side will suddenly have to turn 90º to catch the rabbit. So it's already 10-15 yds behind it before it's even noticed it's not their anymore!

It seems the more experience a dog gets, then the more you see them circle round behind the rabbit themselves, lining it up for a catch.

We don't get many squatting rabbits round our way so not had much practice on them.

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Maybe someone can verify this as true or not (I'm still fairly new to this!),

With squatters try and get behind them if possible, when they decide to run, they leave in the direction their facing, so a dog trying to pick it out of the seat from the side will suddenly have to turn 90º to catch the rabbit. So it's already 10-15 yds behind it before it's even noticed it's not their anymore!

It seems the more experience a dog gets, then the more you see them circle round behind the rabbit themselves, lining it up for a catch.

We don't get many squatting rabbits round our way so not had much practice on them.

To be honest i get infront of them so THEY have to do more work than the dog. Thats just the way i do it others probably do it better/ different

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ive got a beddy whippet x collie grey, 13 n half month old. ive been giving her a few runs with the lamp these last few weeks and she seems to be fast in a straight line but once the rabbit turns its a mile ahead of her straight away. she can get them if they in a big field but smaller places she doesnt seem to b able to. will she get much better as she gets older or should she be performing better than this at this age??


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The ground is rock hard at the moment thats why she cant turn!! Wait untill it rains!! Your dogs probably jarred and bruised to death!!

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