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hi, ive got my referees to sign the forms but i havent asked them to send them off untill i send off the mian aplication form. (so they all get there at the same day and dont get lost)


on section A on the part i fill out, ive filled it in but wrote on the ( for purpose of) i wrote vermin control (rabbit, fox) but crossed out fox becuase im getting a 22 lr which i wouldnt personally use on a fox. my referees do not think it will matter but im a bit worried lol.


do you think as i crossed out fox and it looks a bit messy, they might send the forms back and say start again?



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  ilovetoshoot12345 said:
hi, ive got my referees to sign the forms but i havent asked them to send them off untill i send off the mian aplication form. (so they all get there at the same day and dont get lost)


on section A on the part i fill out, ive filled it in but wrote on the ( for purpose of) i wrote vermin control (rabbit, fox) but crossed out fox becuase im getting a 22 lr which i wouldnt personally use on a fox. my referees do not think it will matter but im a bit worried lol.


do you think as i crossed out fox and it looks a bit messy, they might send the forms back and say start again?







Many firearms departments are staffed with temps who hardly know the time of day, most, sure as hell don't have a clue about Firearms legislation!!


You have a 28 day period to get the forms delivered, despite their MANY shortcomings I have only known firearms dept to lose forms a couple of times...... :doh: But once for 9 months!!! :thumbs:


(let me qualify a little...amongst my many sins I am Secretary of a Home Office approved rifle club at Bisley and as such have a lot of dealings with a lot of different Firearms Depertments......PS. strange as it may seem the one I rate the best is the MET...please don't shout, I'm not looking to start a debate, but they are a hell of a lot better than Thames Valley or Wilts in my experience) :thumbs:

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  ilovetoshoot12345 said:
hi, ive got my referees to sign the forms but i havent asked them to send them off untill i send off the mian aplication form. (so they all get there at the same day and dont get lost)


on section A on the part i fill out, ive filled it in but wrote on the ( for purpose of) i wrote vermin control (rabbit, fox) but crossed out fox becuase im getting a 22 lr which i wouldnt personally use on a fox. my referees do not think it will matter but im a bit worried lol.


do you think as i crossed out fox and it looks a bit messy, they might send the forms back and say start again?



your man who replied knows is onions but if your not happy or it looks messy there is a link on the main page of this site to down load a new one i had my home visit for fac yesterday so in your position just a little further ahead, he did say though 22 is not recognized as a fox calibre but 17hmr is so just for your peace of mind do what makes you feel is right

good look bud

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I put in for my fac for a .22 at the begining of the year, when i had the visit from the fao he advised me to put down for a 17hmr aswell, which was good advise, as i've got one of each now.By the way don't forget the put a moderater down on the form.

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put down both 22 and 17 the police class them the same had my interview this week for 22 and he said a could have both cuz for night shooting the 22 was a little more on the silent side and you have the range of the 17 . he allso said 17hmr is classed as a small groung vermin plus fox rifle ......

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