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The Working Border Terrier Club

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Guest dee mac
  lurchers said:
its a good thing what you are doing mate but the price of the borders is that if you pay 4oo for your dogs and they do the digging well you still want ya money back for the pups.i dont ca\re who says what ive worked borders for years and they have all proved themselves and my pups were the same price as the parents what i paid which was 350 a pup and i wasnt stuck with a pup because theb people who bought them new they grafted.but you do get the peoplke who just want to earn a quick buck and mine were k.cd to.
absolute fcuking sh1t talk if all border onwers think like this muppet then you s are beat before yous start .the genuine lads will have proper digging dogs standing in there kennells proably given too them by like minded dog men and i ll bet not one of them is a border.to save the border things have to change ie forget money .quick question lurchers if you give 400 for a good bitch and you breed her and she has 5 pups why not just charge a 100 a pup your still a 100 quid up on price of original bitch thats your money back ;) dont think so you muppet pound sign s rock your boat :angry:
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To save the Borders in my opinion its no use usings the the best dogs and bitches available unless you know everything about the other dogs in that line as one goodone doesnt mean there is anything behind it . also if you havent enought decent bitches to breed from and the gene pool is to small you are at nothing in my opinion. At this stage id say outcrosses are neeeded ,just my opinion.

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  lurchers said:
its a good thing what you are doing mate but the price of the borders is that if you pay 4oo for your dogs and they do the digging well you still want ya money back for the pups.i dont ca\re who says what ive worked borders for years and they have all proved themselves and my pups were the same price as the parents what i paid which was 350 a pup and i wasnt stuck with a pup because theb people who bought them new they grafted.but you do get the peoplke who just want to earn a quick buck and mine were k.cd to.

well thats kc money to me i,d have told the man to shove it no matter how they worked id sooner go with out a dog.

your part of the problem imho you inflate prices or come out with a bullshite justification like the above and they,ll always be idiots that pay it.

one has to be a fan or a greedy fecker to pay or sell for that sort of money. most lads just want a dog that works hence the mess the real border terriers in.

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  dee mac said:
  lurchers said:
its a good thing what you are doing mate but the price of the borders is that if you pay 4oo for your dogs and they do the digging well you still want ya money back for the pups.i dont ca\re who says what ive worked borders for years and they have all proved themselves and my pups were the same price as the parents what i paid which was 350 a pup and i wasnt stuck with a pup because theb people who bought them new they grafted.but you do get the peoplke who just want to earn a quick buck and mine were k.cd to.
absolute fcuking sh1t talk if all border onwers think like this muppet then you s are beat before yous start .the genuine lads will have proper digging dogs standing in there kennells proably given too them by like minded dog men and i ll bet not one of them is a border.to save the border things have to change ie forget money .quick question lurchers if you give 400 for a good bitch and you breed her and she has 5 pups why not just charge a 100 a pup your still a 100 quid up on price of original bitch thats your money back ;) dont think so you muppet pound sign s rock your boat :angry:


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Well done Johnny,as u said "the time for talk is over"', fair play to u for takin on this challenge as if u havent enough on yer plate. For f--cks sake lads stop knockin the man before he even starts. I read his book and id say hes forgot more about terrier work than most know.

To Wazz 77; why should we give away pups and stud service free, we have the same costs as u food, vets, wormers,flea doses,bedding etc and the way ye are goin on about the price of borders makes me mad, they average around 100/150 notes dearer than patts, you would spend that on a good night out and all u would have is a hangover. Last year i thought about gettin a Jagd terrier i rang a breeder of genuine workers in Denmark about a pup,

bitches 1200 euro, dogs 1500 now thats expensive.My mate paid 600 quid for a tekel,when a breed is scarce it costs more thats life.

To Corky John; clearly he has loads of backing incl me, just count the amount of posts with good wishes.

To Dee Mac; i respect your comments on the forum, i can tell that your talkin from experience when u make a comment, we need your kind on this forum to pass on your knowledge without bullshite but this time you need to apologise, the man never said he had support from E.D.R.D. he only mentioned Countrymans Weekly and N.W.T.F.

Sorry Johnny if i over stepped the mark by replyin to your critics but it just gets to me a.t.v.b. Burrowman

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Guest dee mac

because alaunt most border owner s are more into pound signs than the welfare and working instincts of there dogs they ll spout all kinds of sh1t about there working dogs this there working dogs that as they count out your hard earned cash .if you said to them give me a pup for free i ll rear it properly and give it every chance to earn its keep as a worker if it makes it i ll send you back a pup when ever its bred if it dos nt make it i ll cull it as its no good to the working future of the breed they d probably slam the door in your face or pass out thats the problem alaunt

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  MADRA DUBH said:
To save the Borders in my opinion its no use usings the the best dogs and bitches available unless you know everything about the other dogs in that line as one goodone doesnt mean there is anything behind it . also if you havent enought decent bitches to breed from and the gene pool is to small you are at nothing in my opinion. At this stage id say outcrosses are neeeded ,just my opinion.

I agree :clapper:

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  dee mac said:
because alaunt most border owner s are more into pound signs than the welfare and working instincts of there dogs they ll spout all kinds of sh1t about there working dogs this there working dogs that as they count out your hard earned cash .if you said to them give me a pup for free i ll rear it properly and give it every chance to earn its keep as a worker if it makes it i ll send you back a pup when ever its bred if it dos nt make it i ll cull it as its no good to the working future of the breed they d probably slam the door in your face or pass out thats the problem alaunt

THE TRUTH MATE. :clapper::clapper:

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  dee mac said:
because alaunt most border owner s are more into pound signs than the welfare and working instincts of there dogs they ll spout all kinds of sh1t about there working dogs this there working dogs that as they count out your hard earned cash .if you said to them give me a pup for free i ll rear it properly and give it every chance to earn its keep as a worker if it makes it i ll send you back a pup when ever its bred if it dos nt make it i ll cull it as its no good to the working future of the breed they d probably slam the door in your face or pass out thats the problem alaunt

Hi Dee mac,i know what you are saying,i remember paying for my first border back in 1987,50 pound and the best 50 i ever spent

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  burrowman said:
Last year i thought about gettin a Jagd terrier i

bitches 1200 euro, dogs 1500 now thats expensive.My mate paid 600 quid for a tekel,when a breed is scarce it costs more thats life.

If i wanted a Jadg tomorrow i wouldnt pay for it ,it would be for FREE, then again i never sold a pup in my life that should tell you something.

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Guest dee mac

burrowman i ll not apologise mr darcey came on to this thread and asked him to remove the piece about the edrd backing his club because they never now mr bucks post has been edited and mr darceys posts reguarding the problem have been remove so why would i apologise get your facts right before jumping in feet first thank you

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  dee mac said:
burrowman i ll not apologise mr darcey came on to this thread and asked him to remove the piece about the edrd backing his club because they never now mr bucks post has been edited and mr darceys posts reguarding the problem have been remove so why would i apologise get your facts right before jumping in feet first thank you

Sorry Dee Mac, now i will apologise to you i didnt see those posts as ive been workin late recently and havent been on here. I hope no hard feelings. a.t.b. Burrowman

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