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The Working Border Terrier Club

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After many hours of deliberation I have, if albeit, with some trepidation decided to form ‘The Working Border Terrier Club’. Having over time been involved in clubs of one sort or another, I must state from the onset, that the political wrangling from other bodies or back biting from individuals does not interest me in the slightest.


My inspiration to get this club off the ground is simply one of intent and purpose. My aspiration is to see that the Working Border terrier does not fall away into the dusty covers of the history books. Much the same as the Fox terrier, Bedlington, Selyham, and to a lesser extent the Lakeland has done. Preservation and improvement of the working lines that are left in this country amongst what can only be described as ‘a handful’ of people, compared to the amount of kennels containing working Patterdales or Russells nationally.


A question that I asked myself at the onset was; how would such a club once formed, benefit the Border terrier from a purely working perspective? The answer I concluded had to lie within the fact that the Border has fallen from grace in the eyes of many a terrierman. This is predominantly due to the influx of show blood into the breed which has happened over many years. Generation upon generation of show dogs bred together, surprisingly produces...yes you’ve guessed it...show dogs! Therefore, looking through my eyes the best way to preserve the working qualities left must lie in breeding worker-to-worker. It’s not rocket science, just a determination to produce ‘The Best’ Working Borders from the limited stock that is still available. In achieving this one of the main aims of the club, will be to produce a list of proven stud dogs that can only be accessed through membership of the club. Hopefully this will help to improve the working ability of the breed by giving owners of good working bitches an avenue to pursue, in obtaining the best sires to use.


Surprisingly, a good percentage of people that show at Kennel Club level, seem to be under the illusion that because they own a Border terrier, it will, due to being a terrier with a working history behind it automatically work. To a lesser extent this is true in the respect of the fact that most will kill a yard rat, or even chase the farm cat up the nearest tree. Work such as this and the working of rabbits, which amounts to breaking one of the Ten Commandments, in the ‘true’ terrierman’s eyes and cannot by any means be classed as serious terrier work.


As a Kennel Club registered breed, it unfortunately goes without saying that as such a pup from a working line will command a hefty price. This I believe is another major factor contributing to why the breed is not considered as an affordable acquisition. A none Kennel Club registered pup from another breed of working terrier can be purchased for far less. If Border pups could be purchased for a more reasonable price, then I feel more people would consider them. Ultimately, one would like to think, that this would culminate in more reports of the Border actually making the grade as a ‘True Working Terrier, however due to the dilution of many working blood lines, by the show fraternity, this twinned with the hefty price-tag attached to pups, has led to the demise of The Working Border.


Those of you, who may have read my first book ‘Breaking Through’, will know that my affinity with the Border began way back in my youth. Having been fortunate enough to see one working that possessed a degree of determination and courage that I simply admired. Wanting to put something back into the working of terriers that along with my avid interest in the breed, has prompted me with the inclination to try and do something to assure that the Working Border does not end up as a distant memory. What a very sad day that would be indeed, especially for those of us who have had some success working our Borders. Personally I have found them to be more that capable in the ground, when faced with the true test. I hope to improve on what I have by means of selectively breeding worker-to-worker. What use is a pedigree if it is only made up of non-workers? To me such a pedigree is not worth the paper it is written on and brings into question the merits of Kennel Club registration for working terriers, when old working lines are continually saturated with show blood in an attempt to produce a better conformation.


A good example to compare with is the Patterdale Terrier, a breed of which there are many good working lines up and down the country. These lines have never been and are not presently subject to the compulsive nature of the show scene in the same way that the Border has. The reason behind this is the simple fact that the Patterdale has not been given Kennel Club recognition...and long may it remain so! The Patterdale does stand alone as the ‘True Terrierman’s’ terrier, due to selective breeding and a confidence in them which has been justly accredited to them through their outstanding working ability. Could the Border ever reach such impressive heights? Tongue in cheek, I would like to think, yes. That being said I do tend to look on the bright side and remain optimistic for the future.


The Borders I have at present do have slight room for improvement. Looking at things logically, if I can maintain and subsequently endeavour to improve on what I have then there must be, without question, a future for them as credible workers. Not only for myself, but for others who may wish to work them. The bringing together of like-minded workers of Borders could and should be advantageous for all involved. For those serious about the Border as a worker, I feel certain that such a club would be well received. As such, members within the club would have a common cause. That being one of a desire to improve the working lines we have and as importantly a duty to preserve them for future generations.


Any working terrier club can only be as good as its members are. That being said I have spoken to numerous people who keep Borders or may have an interest in them. If not all, most are without doubt genuine working dog men and women. These individuals share a common cause to see the breed improved upon and developed into a more consistent working terrier. We therefore feel that the best way forward is through the formation and longevity of The Working Border terrier club. The prospect of running such a club fills me with trepidation on one hand and anticipation on the other. Some people are of the opinion that the Borders fate has already been sealed, as far as its working ability is concerned. I am not so sure, having after much contemplation taken on the challenge of producing some true working Borders. The Borders within my kennels have worked and are working as good as anything else I have kept in the past. Their character and constitution is second to none, with the advantage of being able to Kennel them together without any fighting. Not forgetting to mention the fact that they do not have to be docked. On the whole the Border, if improved upon, has I feel plenty to offer the, would be terrierman.


The aims and rules of the club are rudimentary, but I feel necessary in maintaining some sort of decorum.


Promote the Border Terrier as a genuine worker

Retain and help improve the working lines that still remain

Provide a list of proven stud dogs that will be available to members of the club

Publish, as part of the membership package, an annual club magazine (To contain articles and contributions from members)

A Working Border Terrier Club Show (date and venue to be confirmed). This will be run in conjunction with a normal terrier and lurcher show and will be a qualifier for all available championships

Cost of membership to the club will be ten pounds per annum. These funds will be used to enable the club to produce the annual magazine and run the show. Entrance fee to show will be free to members.

The club will run for an initial two years, thereafter, the club officials will assess the viability of continuing with the club

The continuation of the club will be determined by the number of members and articles contributed for inclusion in the clubs magazine and whether the club is achieving its aims and objectives

Any members bringing the club into disrepute, as deemed by the club officials, shall have their membership revoked with immediate effect. Once revoked no further application for renewal of membership will be considered

Any matters regarding the club, that cannot be resolved by the club officials, shall thereafter be dealt with by the founder member, until such time that position is relinquished


At the heart of the club has to be the Working Border Terrier, and its continual improvement and preservation. From a personal prospective this is a new challenge, but what’s life without a few of those. I will therefore endeavour to make the club worth being a member of and hope that it will help in bringing together other like-minded individuals who get as much out of Working Borders as I do.


Whilst on the subject of challenges (I seem to have more than most), having recently moved to a new part of the country, we find ourselves living in a static caravan, having started work on a large barn conversion that will eventually become our home. How long this will take me I try not to think about too much, as it just makes for sleepless nights. The Old Barn stands in the middle of two-hundred and fifty acres, which is definitely a plus. With a hefty population of rabbits, which draws in plenty of foxes, I’m sure the terriers approve. Adjacent to the land, runs the River Avon, which I have agreed to be Bailiff on, in return for some free fishing that I intend to take full advantage of when I can eventually manage to fit it in.


Those of you that were in a position to purchase my first book ‘Breaking Through’, may be pleased to know that I am in the process of writing my next book. This will be produced in either two or three volumes, depending on the costing side of things. Accompanying each volume will be a DVD, which will contain full length interviews with some of the longest standing and best terriermen that have lived. These include the likes of; Brian Nuttall, Arthur Nixon, Ken Gould, John Parks, Eddie Chapman, Roger Bigland and many more. Each volume will also be about terriermen from one end of our country to the other.


Loyalty is high on my list of good qualities and therefore I have decided that the new book will be initially offered to those people that were kind enough to purchase my first book, direct from myself. They will be contacted by post or email in due course. Any remaining books will become available via my usual channels on a first-come-first-served basis. All is not lost for those people that have not yet purchased the first book, as there is still some limited stock remaining. After a recent re-count revealed that the publishers had included an amount of over-runs, therefore there are approximately two-hundred books available for purchase. I am hoping that the first volume (along with DVD) will be ready towards the middle to end of next year. In the mean time I hope to be able to compile my own website and get this on-line. This will contain information, regarding the Working Border Terrier Club, my exploits with the terriers, potentially a forum and last-but-not-least, the facility to purchase further books, written by myself.


All in all a pretty busy schedule for the foreseeable future for me and my terriers, as another season fast approaches. I look forward to hearing off anyone that may wish to join, The Working Border Terrier Club. Furthermore I would encourage anyone who may have the inclination to put pen to paper, to do so and then forward me their experiences and own perspectives on The Border Terrier, so that they may be included in the first issue of the club magazine.

All too often we talk about standing up for our love of country sports and our passion for terrier work. Well the time for talking as far as The Border goes has I’m afraid drawn to a close; it’s now time for action. So I appeal to anyone who works Border Terriers or has thoughts to do so, to take a leap of faith and join the club and in doing so become part of re-establishing them as TRUE WORKERS.


The club has the backing of the Countrymans Weekly, and the N.W.T.F.


For more information please do not hesitate to contact me, using the following details;

Tel: 07854623592 Email: johndavidbluck@hotmail.com or PM me

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Guest dee mac

pick and shovel i wish you all the best as its going to take a lot of hard work but the first thing that needs to be done is to weed out the money men involved with the border terrier the honest digging man is not interested in how much money he makes he s interested in how many workers he makes these kc registered puppy peddlers who advertise border terriers work or show boys and girls avialable 450stg so on and so on need lined up and shot IMO :angry::angry:

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deemac hit that on the head well and truely, all the best with this adventure John i just hope you get the support you deserve myself ive never been into borders but ive had my fair share of border/lakie s and if i found a good border id certainly give one ago but all you see down here are mouse hounds ,as a mouse is about there limit its all show shit, i can truely say it must be 20+ years since i saw a good border work on proper stuff a real shame when you think about it ATB top

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  dee mac said:
pick and shovel i wish you all the best as its going to take a lot of hard work but the first thing that needs to be done is to weed out the money men involved with the border terrier the honest digging man is not interested in how much money he makes he s interested in how many workers he makes these kc registered puppy peddlers who advertise border terriers work or show boys and girls avialable 450stg so on and so on need lined up and shot IMO :angry::angry:

its a great thing your doing jb and wish you all the best with it.

i think anyone thats for the proper working terrier should get behind it regardless of what you keep.

but just like dee mac said theres been plenty of lads on and of these sites keep and work borders and when they bred they wanted kc money.

they might be every bit grafters but you can get two black dogs from numourous sorces for less money

its not about being tight but a principle thing.

best of luck and hats off to you.

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