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Unfortunatley mate things will get worse before they get better i dont think its wise to pull out now with the way things are over there in my eyes i think there will be no piece over there as a people the afganistans are evil and greedy people and they wont stop til the whole world all support islam its not over there thats going to be the worry in years to come its going to be our own countries that i worry about there will be blood on the streets a wise man said this and its true

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One solution is to get our soldiers out and repatriate all afgans who reside in our country back to their homeland and start looking after our own a lot better.But then again we created the very terrorists we are now fighting in fear of the rise in communism??????

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One solution is to get our soldiers out and repatriate all afgans who reside in our country back to their homeland and start looking after our own a lot better.But then again we created the very terrorists we are now fighting in fear of the rise in communism??????



the problem there is not all fighters in afganistan or britan are afgan nationals. pakistan is the terrorist centre of the world but could we or anyone go in and sort that out. i dont think so it would be political suicide the body count would be off the scale. so the best we can do is force them back there. yes i agree we should have backed the russians not trained the afgans back in the 80s but the cold war made that impossible. but lets not forget this is not the first time our forces have been there either. history shows no one has ever succeded in stabalising the country. This country should be easy to defend its surrounded by water, but no we let the terrorists in and then give them protection and benifits of our own born. infact in some cases more than our own born.

afganistan is there and its happening and we are committed to dealing with it. our own problems are only just begining!!!!!

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the sad thing about this thread is that it is only a matter of time before it's pulled :yes: . :hmm: Why?


Think "3 R's"


1 Race


2 Religion


3 Rear Enders



No's 1 & 2 are obvious and No 3 refers to the bent git's running all countries. This stuff has to happen, it's about world economy, nowt else. Nobody gives a shit about any soldiers..........it's in their job description.


Hey, we can't say things like that though can we? we're British, we must be PC :thumbdown:










like feck!!!!!!!!!!!! :drink:

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dont now why anyone should pull this.


nothing i can see is out of order. its just the way most patriotic brits are thinking as for the rest well, when the penny drops it might be a bit late. wake up and smell the bacon the muslification of britan is happening, its real. makes me laugh all the upset about the hunting ban yet this is left to happen and most people dont bat an eyelid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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dont now why anyone should pull this.


nothing i can see is out of order. its just the way most patriotic brits are thinking as for the rest well, when the penny drops it might be a bit late. wake up and smell the bacon the muslification of britan is happening, its real. makes me laugh all the upset about the hunting ban yet this is left to happen and most people dont bat an eyelid!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sadly this is what happens every time, by the time everyone realises whats happening its too late, we should pull our troops out of afganistan, we wont see the benifit if there ever is stability over there, get our lads back and shore up our borders

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young lads and lasses dying for a country that don t give a f**k about them.bring them home and let the stupid c**ts do what they want.please dont reply that is what they choose to do because why waste a life on a country that does not want them there.and even worse when they get injured they do not get compensated by our government.

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young lads and lasses dying for a country that don t give a f**k about them.bring them home and let the stupid c**ts do what they want.please dont reply that is what they choose to do because why waste a life on a country that does not want them there.and even worse when they get injured they do not get compensated by our government.



as millwr post says this government had an alterior motive along with the americans. as for compensation they played a blinder when in 2005 they changed the compensation scheme over from the war pension to the armed forces compensation scheme. saved them a fortune for years to come.

Edited by paulus
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Its going to be an never ending fight with an enemy that u rarely see coming, it like another vietnam. the taleban just blend in with the local population, could be talking to you nicely one day and fighting against you the next. even alot of the soldiers out there are confused by what they are supposed to be fighting for so god knows how the general public are supposed to make a decision. the americans slated us recently - and they have it so easy, they get shipped containers of coke for gods sake.

Sadly my regiment is going away again this year and we all know we are likely to be burying friends before the tour is over. its a shame the british government is intent on solving the worlds problems before it fixes the troubles at home first.

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Its going to be an never ending fight with an enemy that u rarely see coming, it like another vietnam. the taleban just blend in with the local population, could be talking to you nicely one day and fighting against you the next. even alot of the soldiers out there are confused by what they are supposed to be fighting for so god knows how the general public are supposed to make a decision. the americans slated us recently - and they have it so easy, they get shipped containers of coke for gods sake.

Sadly my regiment is going away again this year and we all know we are likely to be burying friends before the tour is over. its a shame the british government is intent on solving the worlds problems before it fixes the troubles at home first.


I have the utmost respect for you and all your comarades, take care :)

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