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river tyne fishing

Guest miller1989

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Guest miller1989

Yesderday evening i rang a mate of mine and told him about the amount of fish id seen throught the day while walking the dog,so he decided to drive 60miles to the spot,so at 6pm i walked the dog a mile to the spot near me and met him.Rod set up and first run through the pool he got a 12lb cock salmon coloured so it was returned about 40mins later he landed a 5lb sea trout very fresh so kept that. He lost another 2 before the light went and another bloke caught a 3lb sea trout!

So today i got up walked the dog and the river was steady with 1ft 4 inches of water just the way i used to like it,so i rang the lad who runs the club my pal and said whys none of your members fishing the water,as this is one of the best beats on the river and people come from all over the country to fish it,he said im not sure the probs at another beat.I asked if i went and got a rod licence for the day could i have a fish and he said no probs. So off i went and got back to the river bank at 11am today happy chappy,cut a longs story short first cast in two years and the spinner(black and gold flying C) yet to let me down produced a 21lb 5oz cock salmon with lice all over it and it was the best fight ive had in a long time as the day went on it nearly produced another which i lost.Between 3.30 and 5.00 i managed another salmon weighing 8lb hen fish retured and 1 sea trout 3lb also returned i was over the moon and even considering buying a licence and start fishing again! Ive photos but cant upload them will find someone that knows how to asap!


Tight Lines

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good work fella a few decent fish there, cant wait to see the pics

get the fish out while you can cos once they start dredging out for the new tyne tunnel there,s not going to be many entering the river then

i've heard thy've brought work forward to autumn, peak time for salmon coming up the river

atb tt

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Guest miller1989

Ive got the photos on my phone im going to put them onto my laptop and figure out a way to put them up,it lets me click upload and then said theres a problem uploads thats why i havent been able to post any pictures of the progress on the dog either,bit of a pain i will get them up at some point but thats new technolgy for you lol! it was 3ft 8inch was a big boy,alot of salmon are in the river now mate and im sure the inviroment agency wont let them do much with the tunnel untill the orignal dates! Wylam pool is stuffed with fish,and ive camcorded 1000s of fish over hexham wear in the past 2 weeks! Oh and all my fishing today was done on the South Tyne 2 miles up river from the meetings between North and South!

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was it the hexham club water, just upstream from the pub??? been that long since iv been there i cant remember its name ( boatside i think ) fished that stretch with robert that had the tackle shop in hexham, a cracking stretch... im down at the syndicate water at hexham bridge in the next few weeks.. cant wait

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Guest miller1989

Further up mate its near the railway but your on the right line yeah! Hexham wear looked good today but some idiots were casting into the wear trying to fould hook fish if you ask me!

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Yesderday evening i rang a mate of mine and told him about the amount of fish id seen throught the day while walking the dog,so he decided to drive 60miles to the spot,so at 6pm i walked the dog a mile to the spot near me and met him.Rod set up and first run through the pool he got a 12lb cock salmon coloured so it was returned about 40mins later he landed a 5lb sea trout very fresh so kept that. He lost another 2 before the light went and another bloke caught a 3lb sea trout!

So today i got up walked the dog and the river was steady with 1ft 4 inches of water just the way i used to like it,so i rang the lad who runs the club my pal and said whys none of your members fishing the water,as this is one of the best beats on the river and people come from all over the country to fish it,he said im not sure the probs at another beat.I asked if i went and got a rod licence for the day could i have a fish and he said no probs. So off i went and got back to the river bank at 11am today happy chappy,cut a longs story short first cast in two years and the spinner(black and gold flying C) yet to let me down produced a 21lb 5oz cock salmon with lice all over it and it was the best fight ive had in a long time as the day went on it nearly produced another which i lost.Between 3.30 and 5.00 i managed another salmon weighing 8lb hen fish retured and 1 sea trout 3lb also returned i was over the moon and even considering buying a licence and start fishing again! Ive photos but cant upload them will find someone that knows how to asap!


Tight Lines


Excellent, its days like this that seek to remind us all why we go fishing.


The Tyne does seem to be producing some good fish these days


all the best


fin and fur

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Further up mate its near the railway but your on the right line yeah! Hexham wear looked good today but some idiots were casting into the wear trying to fould hook fish if you ask me!


there a little too posh for that caper imo, although there is one member who i wouldnt put it past :whistling: you know who you are, lol..... think they had 7 for there day

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Yesderday evening i rang a mate of mine and told him about the amount of fish id seen throught the day while walking the dog,so he decided to drive 60miles to the spot,so at 6pm i walked the dog a mile to the spot near me and met him.Rod set up and first run through the pool he got a 12lb cock salmon coloured so it was returned about 40mins later he landed a 5lb sea trout very fresh so kept that. He lost another 2 before the light went and another bloke caught a 3lb sea trout!

So today i got up walked the dog and the river was steady with 1ft 4 inches of water just the way i used to like it,so i rang the lad who runs the club my pal and said whys none of your members fishing the water,as this is one of the best beats on the river and people come from all over the country to fish it,he said im not sure the probs at another beat.I asked if i went and got a rod licence for the day could i have a fish and he said no probs. So off i went and got back to the river bank at 11am today happy chappy,cut a longs story short first cast in two years and the spinner(black and gold flying C) yet to let me down produced a 21lb 5oz cock salmon with lice all over it and it was the best fight ive had in a long time as the day went on it nearly produced another which i lost.Between 3.30 and 5.00 i managed another salmon weighing 8lb hen fish retured and 1 sea trout 3lb also returned i was over the moon and even considering buying a licence and start fishing again! Ive photos but cant upload them will find someone that knows how to asap!


Tight Lines

i gave up on the tyne a few year ago when the poison killed all the salmon they were floating past what a waste,after that it was just brownys and chubb,glad to here its picked up think il dust me gear off and try me luck,much at wylam?cheers funbob


are you sure you dont mean the lack of oxygen in the water that killed all the salmon at wylam?? it went on for years but i thought it had stopped when they built up the bottom of the weir pool... as for any fish at wylam, theres always fish there lol

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Ive got the photos on my phone im going to put them onto my laptop and figure out a way to put them up,it lets me click upload and then said theres a problem uploads thats why i havent been able to post any pictures of the progress on the dog either,bit of a pain i will get them up at some point but thats new technolgy for you lol! it was 3ft 8inch was a big boy,alot of salmon are in the river now mate and im sure the inviroment agency wont let them do much with the tunnel untill the orignal dates! Wylam pool is stuffed with fish,and ive camcorded 1000s of fish over hexham wear in the past 2 weeks! Oh and all my fishing today was done on the South Tyne 2 miles up river from the meetings between North and South!


photo size prob to big to up load. join www.photobucket.com free and then paste them on here that way :victory:

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  • 2 weeks later...

are you sure you dont mean the lack of oxygen in the water that killed all the salmon at wylam?? it went on for years but i thought it had stopped when they built up the bottom of the weir pool... as for any fish at wylam, theres always fish there lol


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In reply to BRYKAY's last post


Just to set the record straight. Hammerite were not prosecuted, and neither were Kimberley Clark, before somebody raises that old chestnut. All the evidence available pointed to High water temperature and low dissolved oxygen for both 92, 95 and even more recently. It was then, and may be again unfortunately, a natural rather than man made tragedy, which makes it all the more difficult to stomach. Even though the Tyne is now regarded as the best salmon river in Engalnd and Wales we can still ask how much better would she have been.

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