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  DottyDoo said:
mate that was a racsist picture, if id have put a pic of sadams head popping then im sure it would have been removed


get a life mate, should never av been put on, unless you are 1 a them feckers i cant see why you would put it up, never mind moan aboot it taken off

racsist how the feck was it racsist???? shocking yes a f*****g liberty yes but not racsist peopel should be allowed to see what is being produced over there yes it makes people uncomtable but wake up it is the flith being produced over there and i am far from being some f*****g rag head

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i have pride thanks the reason i posted it is because i could not belive it when i saw it and to be honest if this kind of thing is about ,dont people have the right to see it and the ideolgy(?pardon the spelling) behind it ?

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