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A Very Satisfactory Shot...


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Nice one!

Very satisfying I bet.

Are you left handed or was that just the camera shot. If LH is it a LH gun?

Also saw a vid on Youtube where the gun sight had a video attached. Could even aim using the vids screen.

Anyone got a similar set up?


Great shot. don't put everything down to the range finder it still takes the owner of the finger on the trigger to make the shot! Waht distance?





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Yes, I'm left handed but the rifle stock is ambidextrous. I wouldn't attempt a shot with a video sight attached through the scope as that adds significant amounts of error -- one, though, on top of the scope "riflecam" might be good however, but I think they're about £150 new.

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Top shot mate, the hardest ones are always the most satisfying :D


Swampy what the buggery does ninging mean??? :huh:



Its a v long and protracted story that is a basically a joke between myself my wife and another member on here. It is a reference for us.

It all started as an abbreviation of "Morning"







Ning committed the vile act of onanism on the 19th Auf 09

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What a cracking shot! Spot on.


I got a 45 yard bunny last week, not quite as accurate as yours, but still a good hit and its in my freezer now.


Sounds like the range finder was a good investment, its quite hard trying to judge distances. I find myself missing 20 yard shots or less, simply because even though i aim quite low, it very often isnt low enough.

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  • 9 years later...

This made me smile. Getting back into shooting again. Don’t have any gear after selling the rifles in 2013. Thinking of starting with the TX200HC and going from there ? Ten years is a long time!

Edited by C3PO
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