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CCI .22LR Subs

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  On 04/04/2010 at 22:33, quaker7076 said:

I have seen that cci make a sub hollow point in 40 grain and also a 32 grain 1600+ fps round -


has anyone tried either of these in theier ans 1417 ? im more interested in the 32 grain as the speed / perforamcne seems quite a bit more for longer range than eley subsonics's etc.


If this is the CCI Stinger, I think everyone hase tried them once, thats the polite answer, wildly innacurate is a fair description. :thumbdown:

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  On 17/08/2009 at 14:55, Local said:

I couldn't source and Eley subs so ended up buying a brick of this shite. The grouping (prone off a bipod@ 50yrds) is terrible and i've had three mis-fires in the first 60 rounds. Anyone else not impressed with these?

they seem to do ok in 10/22 for some reason :hmm: my sako dont like em and my mates cz452 doesnt.I use winchester sub sonics not had a single miss-fire in 15yrs.the question is where are all the eley?could it be somthing to do with the olympics?

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  On 05/04/2010 at 07:36, cyclonebri1 said:
  On 04/04/2010 at 22:33, quaker7076 said:

I have seen that cci make a sub hollow point in 40 grain and also a 32 grain 1600+ fps round -


has anyone tried either of these in theier ans 1417 ? im more interested in the 32 grain as the speed / perforamcne seems quite a bit more for longer range than eley subsonics's etc.


If this is the CCI Stinger, I think everyone hase tried them once, thats the polite answer, wildly innacurate is a fair description. :thumbdown:



The CCI 40g HP Subs work fine in mine, but as previously said by many, they chamber really tight in my CZ452.


The Stingers are all over the place.


This subject crops up on a fairly regular basis and the bottom line is the .22lr was never designed for High Velocity (or Hyper Velocity as some like to suggest) ammo.


The calibre performs most accurately with subs...that's the way it is, HV and accurate just don't sit together with .22lr. If you want something that hits harder and accurately then you need to think seriously about a .17HMR or .22WMR, in both cases more powerful and faster than any .22lr, and more accurate!

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