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Hi, i have never heard of the product you've mentioned to improve a dogs appetite. When you say he has a "bad appetite" . . .. do you mean he is a fussy eater or just doesn't eat a large quantity of food? Is he under weight? What do you feed him?

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cytacon - you can get over the counter at the chemists... smaller chemists might have to order it for you, but it's usually there the same day if you go early enough to order it. As someone else said, it's vitamin b12 in liquid form.


Injectable B12, I think it's called Intravet or Intravit... you can get from Hyperdrug (I believe it isn't a prescription drug, but you've to answer a few questions about the animal who'll you be giving it to), I got some from Hyperdrug/canine chemists a few months ago and it's under a tenner a bottle... but you'll need needles etc with it being injectable.


Either of the above are good for picking up appetites in dogs. Cytacon (the human one) is given to elderly people and kids that have gone off their food.


Hope this is of some use to you!



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cytacon - you can get over the counter at the chemists... smaller chemists might have to order it for you, but it's usually there the same day if you go early enough to order it. As someone else said, it's vitamin b12 in liquid form.


Injectable B12, I think it's called Intravet or Intravit... you can get from Hyperdrug (I believe it isn't a prescription drug, but you've to answer a few questions about the animal who'll you be giving it to), I got some from Hyperdrug/canine chemists a few months ago and it's under a tenner a bottle... but you'll need needles etc with it being injectable.


Either of the above are good for picking up appetites in dogs. Cytacon (the human one) is given to elderly people and kids that have gone off their food.


Hope this is of some use to you!



anyone know how much of it you give to hound each day is it 5ml spoon full or what

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hi mate my dog has lost his appetite aswell im using citacon at the moment in tablet form just give him 1 a day it says on the bottle 1to3 for adults and 1 for children not seen much of a change yet though mind u only been giving him it for 4 days so fingers crossed ay let me know how you get on please pm me thanks

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