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Principles....Who has them????


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  poacher3161 said:
To die for your kids a partners only a partner your kids are part of you an ave got the scars to prove it.atvb dell

Any good loving parent....would lay down their life, for their children....it's instinctive....and i would do the same.....

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Guest Bennybhoy
Just wondering how many guys and girls...out there have princibles, they live their lives by.......

I feel in any Relationship, be it friends or a partnership...That for me...I live by are Loyalty, Honesty and Trust....

What principles do you live your life by....????

never to lamp a hare or kill summer hares,just my princibles for a hunting forum ;)

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  poacher3161 said:
To die for your kids a partners only a partner your kids are part of you an ave got the scars to prove it.atvb dell

Any good loving parent....would lay down their life, for their children....it's instinctive....and i would do the same.....

If anybody harmed my 19year old daughter his screams for mercy would echo down the ages. Then I'd start to hurt him . . .

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Just wondering how many guys and girls...out there have princibles, they live their lives by.......

I feel in any Relationship, be it friends or a partnership...That for me...I live by are Loyalty, Honesty and Trust....

What principles do you live your life by....????

be honest (most of the time) :)


dont steal


dont break promises..


dont swear.. or some shit like that ;)

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  macberran said:
Its interesting because it all depends on how honest,loyal, trustworthy blah blah blah you are. I like what I read here but if we are all so honest etc why do I meet so many thieving lying two faced tossers at evey turn..its like an epidemic. A lot are older as well.


I understand what you are saying. :yes: ..but maybe the thieving lying two faced ones...aint posting, because they have no principles.... :blink: .

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  macberran said:


I understand what you are saying. :yes: ..but maybe the thieving lying two faced ones...aint posting, because they have no principles.... :blink: .

Good point!

my principles in life are the sames as I hold in business.

if I say I will do something I will. In return if you ask me to do a job (in business) then I expect you to keep to your word.... not treat me like shit because you are too scared to tell me your mates doing the job instead and too scared to tell me beacuse you know you are in the wrong (hope you are reading this! :angry: )


Always look at how to get the best out of a worst situation rather than dwell on the negative


Tell the truth


Dont mess peaople about (and please dont mess me about)....just be open and hopnest.

unfortunately people seem unable to conduct themselves in a professional manner these days.

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  RicW said:
Just wondering how many guys and girls...out there have princibles, they live their lives by.......

I feel in any Relationship, be it friends or a partnership...That for me...I live by are Loyalty, Honesty and Trust....

What principles do you live your life by....????

Unto thyself be ye always true. Don't kid yersen, don't lie to yoursen. Don't try to fool other people that you are anybody but you and don't let other people talk you into being anybody but the person you really are. Trust me. Been there done that. Doesn't frickin work. I could write a book . . .

Ric The Mad


is this the new DITCHSHITTER.. :D:D

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