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Wind Farms and stalking

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Can anyone tell me of any experiencies of wind farms,One of the forests that I stalk is three thousand acre's, There is going to be a wind farm at the top of the hill which has no trees but there is plenty of Roe .I would like to know if the wind farm is going to effect my stalking or will it just push the deer from the top down the rides and valley's.

Edited by elma fud
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they will try and put an exclusion zone around the site on our shoot it was 500mtrs and that was for shotguns when we asked about it they said it was to protect the workforce when biulding the masts also they may want you to keep you distance when there is ice about danger from falling ice off the blades and when you see the size of the blades you understand why.the disturbance when they where biulding pushed the game down off the hill but now after 4 years it doesn't seam to bother the wldlife mind you that just as it looks to me its not based on any science.If you pay for your stalking you could ask for a reduction in the fees if they impose any restrictions they could be greater for you with a rifle.

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The roe deer are very sensitive to change and will in my experience move and become hard to find your stalking for at least 3-4 years will be well and truly disrupted. But on the other hand after that the Roedeer are quick to move into areas once they have over come there fears and you will always know what way the wind is blowing.When our ground got the wind turbines we got a 50% reduction in ground rent but to be honest it didnt cover the lack of deer for the three to four years they were down easy 70%.

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The roe deer are very sensitive to change and will in my experience move and become hard to find your stalking for at least 3-4 years will be well and truly disrupted. But on the other hand after that the Roedeer are quick to move into areas once they have over come there fears and you will always know what way the wind is blowing.When our ground got the wind turbines we got a 50% reduction in ground rent but to be honest it didnt cover the lack of deer for the three to four years they were down easy 70%.



Cheers GUY'S

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