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Guest Ditch_Shitter

THORNIT is the Best f***ing stuff known to man ~ or dog ~ for Ear Mites, mate :good:


Ever get a dog scratching at his ears and shaking his head, even whimpering with it? Pop a pinch of that stuff in there. Clears it in days.


Options are leaving him alone. That ammounts to rank f***ing cruelty, because it'll do the dogs head in, in short order, if not sorted out. Vet'll flog you drops. Crap!


The recipe for Thornit is an open secret. But the ingrediants themselves are rocking horse. Only one firm - to the very best of my knowledge - still handles one of them. Southampton based. I don't know if they'd even entertain the public and, if you read the MSDS (Fact Sheet) on the stuff, you wouldn't let it near your dog. But it's only a small part of the mixture and the whole is used in tiny ammounts. People all over the world have used Thornit for yonks. It's The Kit! :good:



Cider vinager? Gets them pissed? :unsure: Sorry, mate. That one's beyond my own experiance. Someone'll tell you though ;)

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this was on another board i go on a few months ago. hope it works its interesting. :good:


I asked the same fella'r his opinions on other unusual supplement’s and Apple Cider Vinegar was mentioned. Did my homework, and started all the dogs on two tabs a day (you get the liquid form in local store or supermarket). Did an internet search and come up with this. First thing i did notice was the odourless cr4p !


Apple Cider Vinegar : 'Long a folk remedy, cider vinegar has been shown to improve the health of dairy cows, horses, dogs and other animals. It reduces common infections, aids whelping, improves stamina, prevents muscle fatigue after exercise, increases resistance to disease and protects against food poisoning. Cider vinegar is rich in the vitamins, minerals and trace elements found in apples, especially potassium; it normalizes acid levels [pH] in the stomach, improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients, reduces intestinal and faecal odours, helps cure constipation, alleviates some of the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections.' Birds are no exception in the animal world. ACV, and we point it out that it is made of the whole red sweet apple, provides enzymes and important minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, chlorine, phosphorous, iron, silicon and other trace elements. The vitamins contained in ACV are bioflavonoids (vitamin P), beta-carotene (precursor to vitamin A), vitamin C, E, B1, B2 and B6. Tannins from the crushed cell walls of fresh apples as well as malic acid and pectin and other powerful nutrients.


Puppies - ACV promotes fast growth, therefore promoting skeletal and teeth formation in young dogs. It is beneficial especially for fast growing heavy breeds, which need high calcium intake and its assimilation. It provides essential vitamins and minerals to build stronger immunity from early life.


Mature/Older dogs - ACV is an important part of an anti-arthritis programme therefore it helps relieve stiff and sore joints. Beneficial for hip dysplasia. Effective for a broad range of cardiovascular conditions due to phyto nutrients of the red apples, ACV can contribute to reversing damage done to arteries and the tonic properties will keep the blood thinner and healthier, which promotes blood circulation.


Potassium deficiency in your pets diet causes kidney failures and stone formation. ACV is a good source to replenish it, especially if a pet is on diuretics. It also acidifies the urinary tract and due to concentrated tannins present in red apple skins prevent E. coli bacteria from attacking the lining of the urinary tract.


A pet owner can appreciate the influence of nutrition on the dogs behaviour, health, longevity and performance. ACV aids natural digestion whether the dog is on raw meat/bone diet or particularly on commercially produced food. The ingredients for some foods, firstly, can originate from an unreliable source and, secondly are processed heavily and they loose some natural enzymes and proteins hence nutritional value, which is never listed on the label. Animals seem to crave to taste of the sprayed fats and ACV helps to utilise them, as well as enrich meals with minerals and vitamins naturally. More and more owners are now making their own food for the dogs, reinforcing it with unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Other uses for ACV are the prevention of muscle weakness, cramps, twitching of facial muscles, feeling the cold, calluses on elbows and hock joints, constipation, bruising too easily, pimples on skin surface, itching and irritation of the skin. Enhances stamina especially in working/hunting dogs. Improves fertility.


It is highly recommended to add a dose of ACV to your pets daily feed ration, either with wet or dry food and you will find your pet will lick the feed bowl to get every drop of the liquid as they love the taste of it.


Small dogs/puppies: 2 teaspoonsful per day

Medium dogs: 3 teaspoonsful per day

Large dogs: 4 teaspoonsful per day


It can be given to any animal as DAILY FEED, or as a health tonic and detox with drinking water to boost the immune system, especially if the pet is living with a smoker.


A dog receiving the ACV will not tire easily. The average dog that has not received it is good for perhaps three to four hours of hunting a day. It will hunt for eight to ten hours steadily during the day given ACV. Apple cider vinegar clearly increases the dog's endurance.


A dog receiving the ACV will maintain a good appetite and eat every meal while being used for hunting/working. A dog receiving the ACV will not lose weight while hunting. To improve fertility for breeding use 1 tablespoonful once a day to produce a chemical change in the dogs' bodies favourable for breeding; The puppies are generally born stronger and more vigorous.


For hygiene and pest control - Fleas, flies, ticks and bacteria, external parasites, ringworm, other fungus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, pneumonococcus, mange etc. are unlikely to inhabit a dog whose system is acid inside and out. Should you experience any of these with your dog, wash your pet with a gentle shampoo, rinse thoroughly, and then spray on ACV diluted with an equal amount of warm water. Allow your dog to drip/shake dry. No need for harsh measures for minor flea infestations. All fleas drown in soapy water and the ACV rinse makes the skin too acidic for a re-infestation


Make sure the ACV has the MOTHER still in it. The mother is the dark, cloudy substance in the ACV ú formed from naturally occurring pectin and apple residues - it appears as molecules of protein connected in strand-like chains. The presence of the mother shows that the best part of the apple has not been destroyed. Vinegars containing the mother contain enzymes and minerals that other vinegars may not contain due to overprocessing, filtration and overheating

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: F***ing Hell! I only skimmed through that and I can't wait to get into town and buy my lot a gallon of the stuff!!!


If it's Anything like as good as that claim, it's a Must Have! :good:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  Simoman said:
cider vineger in the water, encourages lactation.



:clapper: Even better! I have a milk goat here! :good:


Long as it doesn't make my bloody donkeys dick any bigger :icon_eek:

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  antg said:

this was on another board i go on a few months ago. hope it works its interesting. :good:


I asked the same fella'r his opinions on other unusual supplement’s and Apple Cider Vinegar was mentioned. Did my homework, and started all the dogs on two tabs a day (you get the liquid form in local store or supermarket). Did an internet search and come up with this. First thing i did notice was the odourless cr4p !


Apple Cider Vinegar : 'Long a folk remedy, cider vinegar has been shown to improve the health of dairy cows, horses, dogs and other animals. It reduces common infections, aids whelping, improves stamina, prevents muscle fatigue after exercise, increases resistance to disease and protects against food poisoning. Cider vinegar is rich in the vitamins, minerals and trace elements found in apples, especially potassium; it normalizes acid levels [pH] in the stomach, improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients, reduces intestinal and faecal odours, helps cure constipation, alleviates some of the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections.' Birds are no exception in the animal world. ACV, and we point it out that it is made of the whole red sweet apple, provides enzymes and important minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, chlorine, phosphorous, iron, silicon and other trace elements. The vitamins contained in ACV are bioflavonoids (vitamin P), beta-carotene (precursor to vitamin A), vitamin C, E, B1, B2 and B6. Tannins from the crushed cell walls of fresh apples as well as malic acid and pectin and other powerful nutrients.


Puppies - ACV promotes fast growth, therefore promoting skeletal and teeth formation in young dogs. It is beneficial especially for fast growing heavy breeds, which need high calcium intake and its assimilation. It provides essential vitamins and minerals to build stronger immunity from early life.


Mature/Older dogs - ACV is an important part of an anti-arthritis programme therefore it helps relieve stiff and sore joints. Beneficial for hip dysplasia. Effective for a broad range of cardiovascular conditions due to phyto nutrients of the red apples, ACV can contribute to reversing damage done to arteries and the tonic properties will keep the blood thinner and healthier, which promotes blood circulation.


Potassium deficiency in your pets diet causes kidney failures and stone formation. ACV is a good source to replenish it, especially if a pet is on diuretics. It also acidifies the urinary tract and due to concentrated tannins present in red apple skins prevent E. coli bacteria from attacking the lining of the urinary tract.


A pet owner can appreciate the influence of nutrition on the dogs behaviour, health, longevity and performance. ACV aids natural digestion whether the dog is on raw meat/bone diet or particularly on commercially produced food. The ingredients for some foods, firstly, can originate from an unreliable source and, secondly are processed heavily and they loose some natural enzymes and proteins hence nutritional value, which is never listed on the label. Animals seem to crave to taste of the sprayed fats and ACV helps to utilise them, as well as enrich meals with minerals and vitamins naturally. More and more owners are now making their own food for the dogs, reinforcing it with unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Other uses for ACV are the prevention of muscle weakness, cramps, twitching of facial muscles, feeling the cold, calluses on elbows and hock joints, constipation, bruising too easily, pimples on skin surface, itching and irritation of the skin. Enhances stamina especially in working/hunting dogs. Improves fertility.


It is highly recommended to add a dose of ACV to your pets daily feed ration, either with wet or dry food and you will find your pet will lick the feed bowl to get every drop of the liquid as they love the taste of it.


Small dogs/puppies: 2 teaspoonsful per day

Medium dogs: 3 teaspoonsful per day

Large dogs: 4 teaspoonsful per day


It can be given to any animal as DAILY FEED, or as a health tonic and detox with drinking water to boost the immune system, especially if the pet is living with a smoker.


A dog receiving the ACV will not tire easily. The average dog that has not received it is good for perhaps three to four hours of hunting a day. It will hunt for eight to ten hours steadily during the day given ACV. Apple cider vinegar clearly increases the dog's endurance.


A dog receiving the ACV will maintain a good appetite and eat every meal while being used for hunting/working. A dog receiving the ACV will not lose weight while hunting. To improve fertility for breeding use 1 tablespoonful once a day to produce a chemical change in the dogs' bodies favourable for breeding; The puppies are generally born stronger and more vigorous.


For hygiene and pest control - Fleas, flies, ticks and bacteria, external parasites, ringworm, other fungus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, pneumonococcus, mange etc. are unlikely to inhabit a dog whose system is acid inside and out. Should you experience any of these with your dog, wash your pet with a gentle shampoo, rinse thoroughly, and then spray on ACV diluted with an equal amount of warm water. Allow your dog to drip/shake dry. No need for harsh measures for minor flea infestations. All fleas drown in soapy water and the ACV rinse makes the skin too acidic for a re-infestation


Make sure the ACV has the MOTHER still in it. The mother is the dark, cloudy substance in the ACV ú formed from naturally occurring pectin and apple residues - it appears as molecules of protein connected in strand-like chains. The presence of the mother shows that the best part of the apple has not been destroyed. Vinegars containing the mother contain enzymes and minerals that other vinegars may not contain due to overprocessing, filtration and overheating


another wonder drug? i mix mine with sky juice and pixie wings it's guarenteed to make your donkeys dick gigantic.

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