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your other half

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i met the wife in a field in telford, western park to be precise. i ran the security at V festival at which she had turned up to be one of the staff, i just looked at her and said what are going to do she is 5" 10 and the size of a gable end of a crisp, she then asked to borrow my phone so she could call her mum to say she had arrived, we became mates and now 7yrs on and 3 kids its great wouldnt even swap her for a terrier (the best bit is she thought i was an arrogant knob to start with probably cos i was)


^^^^^^(the husbands side of things)


Now for my side of things, I met him in a field this is true, I really should have left him there :p (Mrs Claybusters Al)

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my missus went out with one of my mates just to get close to me.

once she was in the gang i asked her out she droped to her knees saying thank god!!!! :D

i think it must have been my flintstone jeans i used to wear...lol

but 14 years later 5 KIDS 3 DOGS 2 HORSES LATER where still going strong,


but will swap for a dog run or a good 22 rim fire.. ;)

what after 5 kids. alb rehoming her :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:
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Mine was my first love, met at judo when we were 15/17, split up after a year. 15 yrs later got a message on Friends Reunited, yes we one of them, been together 7 yrs, married for 1. 4 yr old daughter, 3 dogs and 10 ferrets. He didn't like animals!!

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i got a fonecall off a lad who asked if we wanted to go meet some fann,y and isaid i carnt ime to pissed to drive so i got my 15year old mate to drive up there n my car went and met these 2 girls a little chat and a wink off me got my mrs askin abowt my tounge piercing and asked could she touch it with her tounge


so i sneeked it in her mouf and didnt go any further as ime a gentleman we got numbers next nite i text her and took her to a car krooz (i was 17 at the time lol) and poped the ?


it was our 2year anversry last week

2lurchers and 7horses later we stil happy

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