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some very sad new :(

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hi my two ferret kits are dead :cry: i recon some evil low life scum of the earth has poisoned them :cry: im soo upset can life get anyworse


why do you think they were poisoned

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name='Kay' date='Aug 13 2009, 07:52 PM' post='1186479']

name='snakes1989' post='1186423' date='Aug 13 2009, 07:25 PM']hi my two ferret kits are dead :cry: i recon some evil low life scum of the earth has poisoned them :cry: im soo upset can life get anyworse


why do you think they were poisoned



Aye why do you think sombody would poison them?? what age ect where they ??

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We took snakes1989 shooting with us a couple of days ago and asked him how the kitts

were doing they were fine then he phoned me yesterday and said he found them both dead in the bed

we asked him had he cleaned the cage with any chemicles or cleaned the water bottle with anything

what he had feed them the day before he said rabbit which was shot with my rimfire so its not shotgun lead

not that we av ad any probs with lead anyway

was just trying to understand why 2 healthy looking kitts would just die like this ?????

We are totaly at a loss to WHY

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