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DD Timber Products new range!!!!

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Earlier today I phoned John Huberry's workshop and spoke to his extremly nice receptionist Michelle! I gave her a false name said I was the Director of Blair Drummond Safari Park and I was looking for a company that could fabricate a travelling box for baby girrafe's? :D she asked me to hold on a minute as she wanted to ask one of the lads if they could!! :blink: In fact big John himself was in on the joke and he asked Michelle to get some sizes and further details as DD could fabricate anything to do with animal transportation. :D


Once the Giraffe box questions were out of the way, I asked if they had a netmaker who could make feed/hay nets for South Australian Rock Wallabies/ Michelle informed me she'd have a word with one of Johns netmakers and the nets would'nt be a problem? ;)


The best was yet to come I explained to Michelle that we had a few rock pythons at the Safari Park and we needed to transport them about the facility and I told her it was our policy not to put snakes in bags or pillow case's I wanted a couple of long box's approximately 9 foot long and 6x6 inches in breadth and height with at least three suitcase handle on the top in a row for three handlers to carry as the pythons were 8 1/2 foot long. Imagine trying to put a snake whose natural reaction is to coil and curl up into a box straight and without room to turn. :clapper:


Michelle accepted my order for the Giraffe box, two doz wallaby nets and 4 python carrying box's :icon_eek: I thanked her for the wonderfull service, told her I would fax her with the specifications for the giraffe box and wished her a pleasant day ;)


John called me at home and said that Michelle asked him what she should do with this order from the safari park? regarding what had been discussed earlier! he told her to "put it on the schedule board and they'll do the job when time permits" :blink:

It was only when John, was on the phone to me at home that she twigged it was a wind up :D


I'd like to thank Michelle for being a really good sport as well as being very efficient If John Hubbery and DD timber products can fabricate anything to do with animal transportation I've a friend who wants a blue whale shifted :D:clapper:



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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