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longnetting rats

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alright lads theres rats in the garden but the dogs cant get them because there under the decking and [bANNED TEXT] thay do bolt thay going into a stone wall. last nite we put a long net on the wall and smoked them out. rats were runing every were lol. round my feet and i only had flipflops on. i got 4 and then stoped. save some for tonight lol.

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  barks said:
alright lads theres rats in the garden but the dogs cant get them because there under the decking and [bANNED TEXT] thay do bolt thay going into a stone wall. last nite we put a long net on the wall and smoked them out. rats were runing every were lol. round my feet and i only had flipflops on. i got 4 and then stoped. save some for tonight lol.

clean your garden then!!!

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Guest Rod&dog

Seems fun ,, but i dont for one fancy rats running around my bare feet lmfao,, Alough i reckon it will be much funner to sit out ,Bait up and snipe the little basterds with a decent air rifle.

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i have caught a few rats this way over the allotments,when they try to go from one shed to another,i just put a piece of netting in between the sheds because they had to run about 6 or 8 feet to get to the other shed,then either smoke them out or ferret them just to get them moving, the netting i used to use was green micro mesh sheet netting from the garden centre and prop it up on sticks and peg the bottom down leave plenty of bagging near the floor level, good bit of fun, all the best, jay. :D

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Got rats in my front garden, got a mate coming over tonight just to give her jack russel ago, ive found the hole is in my garden...they run between 5 different front gardens...think the dog will have a hard time..never done any ratting before like but these rats have 3 different exits to go once out of the hole.

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