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Greyhound with poorly leg...

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Hi guys....as you may of seen i put a post up in the lurchers..running dogs and hounds section about a greyhound i have just taken in for fostering..dont know anythign about him except he is a 4year old ex-racer out of the droopys line.....so you may be wondering why i have now decided to post on the am slightly worried about his poorly leg as it swelled up last night....his foot is twice the size looks like a labradors foot...all tight and chunky...not skinny like the others...i orginally thought this was the dressing so split it at the bottom to relieve some of the pressure....but it hasnt helped...no his wound i presume is leaking fluid...bloody fluid at that....im not really sure what to do...he is due back at the vet thursday for a check up of the wound.....he has also re-opend a puncture wound on his neck by scratching it was stapled until monday when they decided to take them out...now ive flushed it through with saline soultion and bandaged it....i just get the feeling the vets are gonna accuse me of not being responsible and have a semi-go at me....what would you do???


thanks and all comments and advice very greatfully recieved..


Thanks again Miss T x

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Get the dog to YOUR vet fast: if septicaemia sets in you lose the dog, or at the least. the leg. I once, many years ago, lost a dog cos the vet put the bandage on too tight and gangrene set in in the foot. Take off any bandaging immediately and get the dog to the vet now.

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I took him to my vet but they would rather not get too involved as it could get messy with fees and what not plus the other vet has been treating it from day one..they did say i could go back anytime and they would check him over and advise me on what to do or what the vet should do if i was worried about something...they did give me advice on what they would do if it was a dog they were treating and everything that i was told the vet he sees vet did that same day.....but things still arent great....he has taken to licking his chest in frustration i guess as he cant get to the wound itself...this has caused an open sore which as gotten infected even though i have been bathing it twice a day with warm salt water as instructed by said vet when he first started doing it.....the vet (nurse) said today it has become infected due to the infection in his leg making it easier for infection to set in....he's on anti-biotics that seem to be doing naff all....he has managed to lick this wound in his chest whilst having a buster collar on and through a racing muzzel he has on when we're out and at night to 'stop' him doing this and chewing his bandage(as he can still reach his bandage with the buster collar on) so he's in the vet for stitches again...i just dont know what to do..the are going to try a new collar on him that works like a neckbrace minimising the up and down movement of his neck hopefully stopping him doing it again...but th evet said his leg is looking good now....healing very slowly....


i have his racing paper work and would like to find out a bit more about him....can somebody tell me where to start??? thank you


Atb Miss T x

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