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First time using a 17.HMR

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I got a chance to have a day out with my Dads friends rifle the other day, but because it was the first time i had properly used a rifle i wasn't that confident with it but after a good go at the targets i got comfortable using it, so we went out for a go with it out the pickup.

Because there was only one entrance to the field directly infront of the rabbits it made it hard to make a stealthy approach so upon arrival the rabbits all scampered into the nettles next to the dry stone wall so we just parked parallel to the furthest wall and waited it out. After a good 2 hours i managed to knock down 14 at ranges from 30 yards to about 60, the gun was a cz American 17.HMR and just from that day its got me hooked on rifles. The end of the day picture was taken minus the few rabbits my Dads friend took for his ferrets and dogs.



ps. too embarrassed to include the amount of misses :icon_redface:


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